Rome (Italy). The monthly “Salesian Thursdays at the Auxilium” resume – in presence and online, 18:30-19:30 Italian time – on topics of pedagogy, spirituality, and history of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, proposed by the Center for Studies on the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of the Pontifical Faculty of Education Science «Auxilium» of Rome.

The 5th edition is the opening of the Triennium in preparation for the 150th anniversary of the first FMA missionary expedition (2024-2027). With the intention of accompanying the Triennium, the Study Center collaborates directly with the Missions Sector of the FMA Institute, agreeing on the calendar and events: Salesian Missions from Valdocco and Mornese to the whole world. Schedule of events for the 150th (2024-2027).

To foster research synergies on the missions, the calendar includes some events of the Salesian Historical Institute and the continental Seminars organized by the Association of Salesian History Scholars (ACSSA) in view of the International Conference of 2027. In fact, the FMA of several Provinces participate with local research, together with Salesians and other members of the Salesian Family.

The first Salesian Thursday will be held exceptionally in October, with an introduction to the missionary context of the Church, in which the unpublished contribution of women emerges as a background for the first departure of the FMA for Uruguay on 14 November 1877. On this date, the Superior General of the FMA Institute, Mother Chiara Cazzuola, will officially open the Triennium together with the Educating Communities present in the world.

Then, month by month, we will address a missionary theme lived by FMA, religious and educators in every context, and will conclude the journey with an in-depth study on Salesian education today.

Calendar of the Salesian Thursdays:

– 10 October 2024, The Catholic missions between the 19th and 20th centuries and the contribution of women (Sister Grazia Loparco, FMA);

– 5 December, Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello, at the root of Salesian missionary spirituality (Sister Piera Cavaglià, FMA)

– 9 January, The effectiveness of the Preventive System in the experience of Laura Vicuña (Sister Piera Ruffinatto, FMA)

6 February, Sister Maria Troncatti, missionary of reconciliation and of interculture (Mother Yvonne Reungoat, FMA)

13 March, Mother Ersilia Crugnola. Missionary with a mystical-apostolic heart (Sister Eliane Anschau Petri, FMA)

3 April, Salesian education today (Round Table)

The videos of the encounters, together with the previous ones, will be available on the YouTube channel of the Study Center, to nourish reflection and discussion on issues of history, pedagogy, and Salesian spirituality with the Educating Communities and those who are interested.

Program of “Salesian Thursdays” 2024-2025

Schedule of 150th  FMA Missions

YouTube Channel Centro Studi FMA


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