Catania (Italy). On 14 November 2024, the day of the Opening of the Triennium in preparation for the 150th of the first missionary expedition, the Provincial of the Sicilian Province Mother Maddalena Morano (ISI), Sister Angela Maria Maccioni, through a Letter extended to all the Communities of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians dedicated to “Mother Maddalena Morano” the invitation to nourish with unanimous prayer the votive lamp that will burn at the urn.

Sister Angela Maria explains the origins of the initiative:

On 9 November 2024 at 6.30 pm, a celebration of the Word took place at the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Alì Terme (ME), during which the votive lamp for Blessed Mother Maddalena Morano was lit.

The lamp, lit by our Mother General, Sister Chiara Cazzuola, visiting our Province from 2 to 10 November 2024 on the occasion of the XXX anniversary of the beatification of Mother Morano, was placed in the chapel that conserves the remains of the Blessed and will remain lit until her canonization.

The lamp oil was initially offered by the Municipality of Alì Terme; there will follow the offering of wax from the Municipalities of neighboring towns, the Communities of the Daughters of Mary Help of the Sicilian Province, some Groups of the Salesian Family, of the Associations, of the devotees, and all those who wish to do so.

The proposal to the Provinces in which there is a Community named after Blessed Maddalena Morano:

Every 15th of the month, in the morning, before the Eucharistic Celebration or any Community Liturgical Action, a lamp or candle can be lit in front of an image of Blessed Maddalena Morano placed in a visible place. At the end of the Celebration, the following prayer can be recited in community (cfr. Attachment in Italian, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese). The lamp will remain lit all day and will be extinguished at the evening prayer.

The conclusion of the Letter:

It is a sign of fraternity and communion that makes us a family and urges us to walk in the footsteps of Mother Morano to be among and with young prophets of hope, capable of attention, care, and creative apostolic audacity.


  1. Una bellissima iniziativa che rende viva la nostra Fede e con l’ intercessione di Madre Morano possiamo andare avanti pieni di Speranza e gioia.
    Prego, sempre Madre Morano con la fede e la fiducia della mia Mamma tanto devota al punto di ottenere subito la risposta, invocandola e ricordo anche con gioia i pellegrinaggi, in treno, alla chiusura dell’ anno scolastico che facevamo con la Scuola dell’ infanzia e ogni anno si verificava l’arrivo di una bimba o bimbo alle mamme che chiedevano la grazia.
    Lode al Signore sempre, Alleluia!

  2. Mi unisco alla preghiera di tutta la famiglia salesiana e di quanti venerano Madre Morano, che ho imparato a conoscere quando ero presso le figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice. Per sua intercessione chiedo il dono della pace.

  3. Grazie, vogliamo tenere accesa la lampada della Speranza, x illuminare della stessa luce del Cristo in noi, quanti ci stanno attorno x rendere sempre vivo il Carisma della gioia Salesiana che ha le sue radici in Gesù nostra forza e in Maria nostra guida e Maestra. Il Signore, x intercessione di Madre Morano, ci benedica!


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