Bahía Blanca (Argentina). On 7 March 2025, Argentina was hit by severe storms that caused massive flooding in several regions of the country. The provisional balance is 16 victims, more than 500 people evacuated, and 94 missing in Bahía Blanca, one of the most affected cities, as well as Provinces such as Salta, Tucumán, and Formosa, worsening the state of crisis in several areas of the country. (Emergency Argentina)
The testimony of the Communities of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of Laura Vicuña Province (ARG):
In Bahía Blanca the situation is serious. The Animator of the House of initial Formation, Laura Vicuña, Sister Silvana Álvarez, shared the situation in her community: “We have no electricity or wi-fi at home. We are completely isolated. The whole house is flooded.”
Valerie Aime, Director of Mary Help of Christians School, recounted the dramatic conditions: “I am without connection, without light. Even the school is in chaos. One and a half meters of water, mud, sewage, and waste water have entered my house. We lost a lot. I can’t finish getting the water and mud out. I swam in the house; I couldn’t stand”. The scale of human losses is just as painful. “There are people who have died here, my neighbors have suffered many losses. It’s a nightmare.”
Despite the tragedy, Valerie emphasizes the power of prayer, “Pray for rain, pray for sun, pray for people to be able to cover themselves, to cover roofs, so that there may be light and a dry place. It is terrible to suffer the cold.”
Sister Silvia Heit, Animator of St. Mary D. Mazzarello retirement home, expressed her hope and tenacity, “It is a situation in which you have to be very, very patient, and also have a lot of trust in Providence.” Despite the great difficulties, the Sisters of the House are gradually returning to normal, “We are resuming our daily rhythm. Sister Silvia Boullosa, the Provincial, arrived last night, so one can pass by, chat, comment; it’s also a small change.”
Visiting the sites, the Provincial of Argentina wrote in a letter to the Communities dal
entitled “Solidarity, a value that feeds hope in the neighbors of the city of Bahía Blanca”:
“Meeting the personnel of the house, they told me their stories and those of others to save their lives in the flood waters that seemed like impetuous rivers. Some helped themselves to walk, hooked on an arm so that no one was swept away by the current. They had gone out to work and in a few minutes, they found themselves overwhelmed by these floods. Many people have been saved by sleeping in trucks, on house roofs, waiting to be rescued. The elderly of a house were pulled out with the shovel of a tractor; others died in their beds. Hospital nurses were able to act quickly and saved several babies with their mothers. Those who were leaving or entering the city in the early hours of the morning saw their vehicles flooded. Under these circumstances, a family with two small children called for help and a pick-up tried to stop to help them.”
In her message, she also shared the sad news of the death of Rubén, beloved family father of the Educating Community of Mary Help of Christians School of Viedma, who lost his life while trying to save a family with two little girls. “The dam broke and the current broke loose and took away a beloved father of the Viedma School, the driver of the vehicle who tried to save the two little girls in the family. He, the father, and the children disappeared into the water and the lady swam to land.” His sacrifice highlights the spirit of courage and generosity of many in the face of this tragedy.
The population is trying to react and get up again, as Sister Silvia says, “The people of the city have been in shock, but resilience and hope are slowly awakening, thanks to the great outpouring of solidarity from the people. This morning, I saw with our young students, the Alumni and staff of Mary Help of Christians Institute, who gathered to get the water out of the school and cook, preparing meals for the most affected people. It is moving to see them. Lessons cannot continue until the roofs of much of the structure are assessed and repaired. Besides not having water and electricity.
A network of solidarity was quickly created among the Communities of the Province to help the affected families. Our Mother General and her Council also made themselves heard, expressing their concern and solidarity, which we know also comes from other communities of the Institute. Thank you, Mother, for thinking of us and thank you to the Institute for making us feel that we belong to the power of solidarity.”
The communities conclude their testimony with an appeal to solidarity and care of the common home:
Everything we have experienced drives us to take care of the Common Home, especially with regard to climate change. In this painful moment, prayers and solidarity are essential for the affected families. May solidarity, both at the national and international levels, allow Bahia Blanca and the other affected communities to rise again, with much hope.
The Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians offers concrete support to the population and relies on the generosity and solidarity of all. Contributions and offerings can be submitted as indicated on indicate on the Website of the FMA Institute, designating in the motive Emergency Argentina.