Rome (Italy). The Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sister Yvonne Reungoat, reaches the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in this time of the Covid-19 pandemic calling them to go to the Essential of life and ensures, together with the Sisters of the Council, their prayer for the concerns, hopes, aspirations, and projects for the good of all the FMA.
Mother takes up the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti: on fraternity and social friendship, signed by Pope Francis in Assisi on 3 October 2020, proposing a re-reading of the theme of fraternity in a Salesian charismatic key, as a set of relationships in the Educating Community, in which all members are called to give their own contribution, to create “a fabric of interconnected threads” characterized by the family spirit.
Fraternity finds its concrete expression in the Preventive System and for the FMA it translates into a call to live in the ordinary circumstances of life the authentic fraternity lived in Mornese by Mother Mazzarello and the first sisters: “Like the first community of Mornese, we are called to live this patient charity that excuses all, trusts all, bears with all, and never loses hope “(C 7).
Mother Yvonne invites the FMA communities to live fraternity in the style of service that becomes welcoming and sharing with the sisters and young people, especially the poorest, and to invent with creativity new forms of service and solidarity: “From the community inhabited by Love, fraternity radiates towards the geographical and existential peripheries, which call for listening, care, education”.
The mandate “I entrust them to you” , which accompanies the second year of preparation for the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute, is an appeal to involvement in the evangelizing mission, following the example of Mary, to be her “true images” in the world, in the awareness that to each one is entrusted with many brothers and sisters and that “true fraternity is always universal”.
The entrance into the new Liturgical Year and Advent are propitious times to live hope and welcome the Lord Jesus into one’s life as the Savior that the world needs today.
Mother concludes the Circular by making herself close with her wishes for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and Holy Christmas, “to each sister, to families, especially those tried by suffering, to the Rector Major Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, to the Salesian Confreres, to all the members of the Salesian Family, to the laity, young people and adults, who with us become “Samaritans” in this delicate time of the pandemic.”
Grazie, Madre “per questo nostro incontro mensile che nessun lockdown può cancellare”….. attraverso la circolare on line preceduto dalla sintesi sul nostro sito. Da molti mesi sono contenta spigolo nel sito se la circolare e’ gia’ on line, prima che arrivasse in ispettoria.
Da alcuni giorni non trovandola, ho pensato che in questo mese, non sarebbe stata postata. Ma quest’oggi l’ho trovata. Tutto il contenuto lo assimilero’ al piu’ presto, per ora ne accolgo questo tuo augurio: “…Con la fede dei nostri santi Fondatori, ci prepariamo a vivere in comunione con la Chiesa universalee con quanti attendono un futuro migliore, la solennità dell’Immacolata e il santo Natale…”, e contraccambio con la continuita’ dell’invocazione al Signore secondo le tue intenzioni.