Rome (Italy). On 13 December 2020, through  online mode, the Presidents and Delegates of the FMA Past Pupils Association of Asia, Africa, America, and Europe expressed their Christmas greetings to the Mother General of the FMA, Sister Yvonne Reungoat.

The President of the Confederation Mrs. Maria Maghini, introduced the moment, welcoming and greeting the participants of an unprecedented world meeting. She then gave the word to Mother Yvonne, who invited us to live this Christmas in the time of Covid-19 with hope, a virtue that enables us to go beyond the present to see the birth of a new dawn: “If God is capable of making all things new, if Jesus comes to respond to our invitation ‘Maranatha’, it is not possible to cultivate disappointment and discouragement. A light comes to illumine us, makes us feel loved and protected”.

In concluding, she prayed  that: “Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello may help us to prepare the way of the Lord, freeing self from what could delay His arrival. May they help us to direct our steps towards Bethlehem and to recognize the Star that always leads us to find the Father’s Gift!”.

With a prayer led by Sr. Maria Luisa Miranda, General Councilor for the Salesian Family Sector and Sr. Gabriela Patiño, Sector collaborator, Past Pupils, family members, FMA, friends, and acquaintances were remembered who during this difficult year  reached eternal bliss.

For her wishes, the President read a very current poem by Sister Maria Pia Giudici, FMA, which invites us to heal wounds, to return life through the gift of self and understanding, to recover the will to live, to love, to dream, in the conviction that a new world is possible and that it depends on each one.

The final moment consisted of the traditional Silent Night Christmas Carol sung by the participants in different languages, which was followed by a fraternal space of greetings and good wishes that made the Association breathe the world dimension.

Auguri natalizi Exallieve/i FMA alla Madre 2020


  1. Felicidades muy querida Madre Yvonne, Sor Gabriela, Sor María Luisa, Maria Maghini, Maria Castillon,
    Querida Familia Salesiana
    VIVA JESUS Siempre
    Maria Isabel Pichardo de valdez
    Santo Domingo – Rep Dominicana.

  2. Gracias queridas exalumnas y Hnas del ambito de Familia Salesiana por este Encuentro tan significativo para compartir nuestro Carisma. Definitivamente como dice Madre Ivonne en una de circulares que “La vida no es tiempo que pasa sino Tiempo de Encuentro” y fue un tiempo hermoso al convocatnos el 13 de diciembre para escucharnos, cantar y agradecer la Mision animada en tantos paises al estilo de Don Bisco y MAIN.


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