(Latin America). On 13 February 2021, the Pre-Chapter Assembly of the Interprovincial Conference of Cono South of Latin America – CICSAL was held online. The purpose of the meeting is to share the contributions to the Working Document of GCXXIV, elaborated in the light of the experience in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
The Provincials and FMA Delegates of GCXXIV, lay people, and young people from Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina participated. The Visiting Councilor Sr. Peče Marija, Coordinator of the CICSAL Conference, accompanied the meeting.
The meeting was enriched by the sharing among the participants of what emerged from their reflections on how to recognize, interpret, and identify significant elements and concrete steps to be today “communities that generate life”, vocational, synodal, missionary, and prophetic communities. The time lived in the pandemic has prompted us to put all human and material resources into play and to improve communication through social media. Mutual listening was profound and in solidarity and will certainly be a treasure for the whole FMA Institute.
The Word of the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sr. Yvonne Reungoat, was an encouragement to read present history with optimism and faith in order to continue to be a witness of hope among the people.
Os tempos mudaram e o Espírito indica novos caminhos para levar adiante o Capítulo com a técnica que já possuímos! Vamos em frente!