
Trnava (Slovakia). Sr. Monika Foltýnová, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians of the Community of St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello – Slovak Province of St. John Bosco (SLK) – made herself available as a volunteer to provide assistance to Covid-19 patients at the Social Services House in Trnava.

Supported by the FMA of the Community, Sr. Monika, reconciling community commitments and responsibilities in the Laura Youth Association and in the International Association of Missionary Voluntary Service VIDES, she was able to begin her service of assistance at the House of Social Services at the beginning of Lent. She follows the sick suffering from Covid-19 or in rehabilitation after the disease, through personal care, assistance with meals, and carrying out support tasks for health personnel.

Sister Monika gratefully lives this commitment to active citizenship, drawing lessons from the example of humility of the sick and the humanity of the personnel: “For me it is a great school of life. It is a strong experience to see the serenity of the sick, their ability to abandon themselves in the hands of God. It is beautiful to breathe an atmosphere of great respect and kindness towards people. For me, the daily hidden service of the staff is a great encouragement: they represent the outstretched hand of God’s mercy and love”.


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