Rome (Italy). The preparation and celebration of the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians were occasions to return to the sources of the Charism. History is not a school subject but, the ancients said, a teacher of life. Rereading the sources and texts that tell the origins and development of the Institute, we find the tree from which we were generated, the seed from which we were born.
The historical reconstruction of the origins of the FMA institute is a fascinating story that testifies to great love and dedication for future generations which, like the house built on the rock, will bear lasting fruits and be fecund for the good.
Among the many Daughters of Mary Help of Christians who have dedicated themselves to this delicate and demanding task, gratitude goes in a particular way to Sr. Piera Cavaglià who was Secretary General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians for 19 years and, since 1979, Professor of the History of the Institute at the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences “Auxilium”. Now she is called to the service of Animator of Our Lady of Grace ‘Mother House’ of Nizza Monferrato, in the Province of Mary Help of Christians (IPI).
To her we owe a myriad of projects, researches, studies, and publications which accompanied and continue to accompany the initial and ongoing formation of thousands of Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. She also held many conferences on the occasion of the Spiritual Exercises or meetings for Provincials, Animators, Temporary Professed. Sr. Piera’s contribution is invaluable and she speaks of the genuineness of the Salesian charism, even before her writings, through her life witness.
With her precious work and her total and tireless dedication to the good of the Church and the Institute, Sr. Piera is a point of reference for every FMA. Her studies made it possible to discover in the history of the Institute the gift of God that every sister and every community has sown over time, under all skies.
A special thanks from Mother and the Sisters of the General Council, who throughout these first months of life at the service of the FMA Institute have felt that she is a close and available sister, attentive and ready to share wisdom and experience. Thanks, in particular for the Spiritual Exercises that she masterfully guided in June 2022, for a return and a relaunch in the freshness of the Charism.
A moving and grateful thank you from the sisters who work in the General Secretariat, who for many years have appreciated and experienced her guidance and help. On 25 July 2022, they went with her on a pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Miracle, to thank the Lord for the gift of her life and to ask Mary for her intercession and blessing on her and on her new mission.
To Sr. Piera, gratitude for the desire and commitment to promote the vitality of the charism in the complex context of contemporaneity, in the footsteps of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello, and the wish for a good journey of holiness, in this stage of life which now passes through the, Mother House’ of Nizza.
Cómo no agradecerle. Yo vivo tan lejos y cada que le escribo pidiéndole una reerencia, una iluminación para algún tema salesiano, siempre, siempre, siempre me ha respondido con prontitud y claridad. Le agradezco tanto. Dios la bendiga
Heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation for all what you have been to me and all the guidance you gave me personally. You have been my guide and inspiration . I join with all the FMA to thank you for the very gift you are to the Institute and to its Charism. May Our Blessed Mother Mary and Don Bosco and Mary Mazzarello be your constant companion in your new mission.
I will allays remember you with love and gratitude.
Querida Sor Piera: muchísimas gracias por su generosa entrega en el servicio del Instituto, como secretaria general. Usted me enseñó a gustar y profundizar la belleza del carisma salesiano en nuestros Fundadores y tantas hermanas y hermanos que lo asumieron. Gracias también por su precioso testimonio personal. María Auxiliadora le acompañe en su nuevo servicio.
Dear Sr. Piera you have always been such an inspiration and help to us here in the GBR province with your love of our charism and life giving studies. May Our Lady help you in your new journey. I hope you still find time to continue sharing your great love of the history of our Institute. Prayer for you and real gratitude, Sr. Patricia Devine
Carissima Suor Piera, voglio unire la mía voce a quella delle consorelle che con tanto amore esprimono la lode e la riconoscenza. Grazie pero tutto il bene che Hai fatto con la tua parola, con la tua disponibilità. Il Signore tu ricompensi.
Un abbraccio
Suor María Cristina Villegas J.
¡Viva Jesús! Querida Sor Piera:
Desde que tuve la gracia de conocerte en un Curso de Formación en donde nos presentaste a Madre Mazzarello con tanto amor, te he admirado. Y he agradecido a Dios el don que nos dio en tu persona, por todo el tesoro, la riqueza que has sabido extraer de la historia de nuestro amado Instituto.
Gracias, querida Sor Piera por tu fraternidad, por cariño y tu salesianidad por hacernos conocer y amar profundamente nuestro hermoso y amado Instituto.
Que recibas muchas bendiciones de María Auxiliadora, de nuestros Santos Fundadores y de tantas Hermanas que están en el cielo. Te ofrezco mi oración agradecida.
Carissima sr Piera, tantissime grazie a Lei per la fraternità, bontà, semplicità, disponibilità e grande amore a Gesù, Maria Ausiliatrice e il carisma salesiano. Auguro tante grazie nella nuova missione a Lei affidata. Sempre porterò Lei nel mio cuore con tanta riconoscenza e affetto. Sr Teresa Szewc
Muy querida sor Piera,
Un gracias desde lo más profundo de nuestro corazón por toda la riqueza carismárica que nos has comunicado.
Dios te bendiga y nuestra Auxiliadora, te acompañe en tu nueva misión.
No solo has escrito y promovido la historia en nuestro Instituto sino que ERES un libro inmenso, impregnado de palabras que dan vida en abundancia… disponible para todas, donde podemos llegar, en cualquier momento, a cualquier hora, para “leerlo”, encontrar pistas, respuestas y disfrutar de sus páginas profundas, claras, esenciales… Capítulos enteros que nos hacen vibrar y conmovernos, animarnos, motivarnos a ser, como tú:
Desde “La Patria del corazón” continuarás tu hermosa misión…
¡Gracias queridísima sor Piera! ¡Seas siempre bendecida!
La Beata María Romero intercede por ti.
“¡Pon tu mano, Madre mía, ponla antes que la mía!!!”
Dear Sr. Piera,
Deep and heartfelt gratitude for who you are and for all you have done for me and for the Institute. Every blessing on your new mission.