In America the FMA number is 3,067 in 409 Communities, present in 23 Countries with 24 Provinces.
In Africa the FMA number is 668 in 109 Communities, present in 26 Countries with 7 Provinces and 2 Preprovinces.
In Europe the FMA number is 4,055 in 347 Communities, present in 23 Countries with 19 Provinces and 2 Vice-Provinces.
In Asia the FMA number 2,939 in 378 Communities, present in 22 Nations with 19 Provinces and 1 Preprovince.
In Oceania the FMA are 49 in 10 Communities, present in 4 Nations Australia, Samoa, and Solomon Islands with 1 Province; in Papua New Guinea there are 10 FMA in 2 Communities belonging to the Philippine Province.
In Asia le FMA sono 2.615 in 356 comunità, presenti in 22 Nazioni con 16 Ispettorie e 1 Visitatoria.