Rome (Italy). On 6 July 2019 a new, powerful earthquake of Magnitude7.1 was recorded in California, in the same area struck the day before by the magnitude 6.4 earthquake that had already caused damage. The quake was recorded in the southern US state at a depth of only 900 meters. It lasted 30 seconds, and was also felt in Mexico.
The Provincial of Mary Immaculate Province (SUO), Sister Ruiz Rosann, informed Mother that our sisters and family members are unharmed and there has been no significant damage to our structures.
People continue to be on alert, many shocks are still going on and they are still expected to be strong.
The epicenter was located in the town of Ridgecrest, 240 km from Los Angeles. The quake was the strongest ever recorded in the state over the past 25 years. Among the aftershocks some exceeded 5-degree magnitude. There are some minor injuries, while due to gas leaks several homes near the epicenter have burned and there are numerous fire brigade interventions. Several roads have also been damaged and some have been closed.
The town’s mayor, Peggy Breeden, said the relief units are in a state of maximum alert and reported that “there have been fires, gas leaks, some light injuries, and electrical blackouts, which we are facing in the best possible way “.
We offer our prayers and our solidarity to our sisters and the people of the affected area.
Carissima Madre Yvonne, doy gracias a Dios por este nuevo servicio que ofrecerá a la Iglesia a través de la Congregación para los Institutos de Vida consagrada y las Sociedades de Vida Apostólica. Cuente con mi oración y mis ofrecimientos en todo momento.
La quiero mucho y me alegro que pueda ayudar tanto a la Iglesia en estos Ministerios tan importantes para todas las Consagradas llamadas a extender el Reino de Jesús en la tierra.