Lebanon. The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of Jesus Adolescent Province (MOR), send news from the communities of Kahhale, Hadath-Baalbek, and Kartaba, in Lebanon, on the increasingly dramatic situation due to the intensification of bombing in what Pope Francis has called a terrible and unacceptable ‘escalation’.

The words of the Provincial Vicar, Sister Rita El Daccache:

“I am writing to give some information about the situation of our houses in Lebanon. Already the situation is very critical. Some of our Sisters see the bombs falling from a distance, others prepare themselves for the explosions, while the bombs destroy the village. They open their doors to those in need, knowing that this makes them a possible target.

People are suffering from a lack of jobs, life is becoming more expensive, and salaries are not enough to survive. We serve the poor, but they have difficulty to face school expenses, for this we risk losing many pupils and we must also pay salaries to teachers and employees.

With the current conflict everything has worsened. We are taking in refugees in two of our schools, giving them mattresses, blankets, pillows and even clothing, because they have fled without the minimum necessary.

We are on the threshold of winter and there is a need for medical care, jackets, winter clothes, because the cold begins to make itself felt and we fear that soon we will have neither diesel nor water. In addition, during these two days, they destroyed the roads connecting the village where our Sisters are hosting the largest number of refugees – about 200 – making it more difficult to get the basic necessities they need.

We are doing everything we can to help as many people as possible and need your help. Every help is a sign of hope. With great gratitude, the Communities of Lebanon.”

On 7 October 2024, on the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary, called by the Holy Father as a day of fasting and prayer for peace, Pope Francis, ‘with a heart of a father’, addressed a Letter to the Catholics of the Middle East, making his closeness felt to these peoples and encouraging peace and generosity:

“Thank you, children of peace, that you may console the heart of God, wounded by human evil. And thanks to all those who help you throughout the world. To those who heal Christ in the hungry, sick, foreigner, abandoned, poor, and needy, I ask that you continue to do so with generosity.”

The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, together with all the Educating Communities of the Institute, continue to implore the powerful intercession of Mary Help of Christians for peace in Lebanon, in the Middle East, and in all the nations of the world torn by conflicts, counting on the generosity and solidarity of all.

You can send contributions and offerings, in the ways indicated on FMA Institute Website, designating as the motive Emergency Lebanon.


  1. Queridas hermanas, estamos con ustedes de todo corazón. Oramos por la paz y pedimos a Nuestra Amada Auxiliadora de lso tiempos difíciles que las asita y bendiga con su manto de Madre, al Igual que a toda la población. Oramos y ofrecemos por ustedes y todo el pueblo que sufre.

  2. Estamos acompanhando e rezando todos os dias pela Paz no oriente Médio. Que a misericórdia de Deus chegue aos que mais sofrem! Que A Paz de Deus chegue a todos. Que a Esperança e a Fé possam sustentar a caminhada de todas. Grande abraço e nossa prece.

  3. Feel as close with you dearest Sisters. As we pray 15 minutes of Adoration every day for peace in the world, in Myanmar, we pray for your country too. (CMY)

  4. We are with you dear Sisters, in our prayers, in these difficult times. We pray for protection and for an end to this senseless war. Mary, Queen of Peace, intercede for your children in danger!

  5. Care consorelle, vi sono vicina con tanta preghiera e offro per la pace le mie sofferenze, non poche, di sorella anziana, ammalata. Il Signore abbia pietà di noi e nella sua misericordia, ci liberi da tutte queste guerre. Vi abbraccio con affetto.


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