Rome (Italy). The Missions Sector of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians has gathered the testimonies of missionaries from some lands afflicted by conflicts or without peace due to the political situation, who share how they live Christmas with their peoples.
From Cuba –Saint Joseph Province (ANT), Sister Brohana:
In this time of Advent, the hearts of Christians all over the world vibrate in expectation of the Prince of Peace. In Cuba too, children, adolescents, and young people are eager to experience a different Christmas. It is they, the new generations, who guide families to an encounter with the Lord.
They come weekly for catechesis, spiritual, artistic, and cultural formation, scholastic strengthening, to learn a trade, to live the oratory… Everyone is aware that going to the “suorine” is opening their own little world to the novelty and opportunities to develop their talents and meet Emmanuel, the God with us.
Through catechesis in the parish, in the chapels, and in the fields, children, together with their animators, prepare the Christmas spirit by learning to know and reflect on the coming of the Messiah, coloring some images, and praying for the different situations that are lived daily on the island. The young, in the same way, deepen this mystery of God who became human for His love of each one of us, and together with their artistic gifts, they prepare the re-evocation of such a great event of Christianity.
This is a propitious moment to reunite families, and that is why the parish of Purísima Concepción de Manzanillo, like many other communities in the Country, celebrates the Day of the Family, sharing a day of joy and celebration of faith. The event underlines the dynamizing power of family ties in the light of the Holy Family of Nazareth.
The religious and priestly community also gathers to pray for the people and for the mission received from God Himself in Cuban lands. The presence of different congregations, coming from different cultures, more and more united by the action of the Holy Spirit, celebrates a new spiritual birth of the Child God, which encourages us to not desist in the action of evangelization, in the confidence that this time renews the hope of being able one day to live in justice and peace.
From Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo – Our Lady of Africa Province (AFC), Sister Charlotte:
In the extreme situation of many displaced and people wounded by the war, it is difficult to remember the traditional Christmas of old, where they did everything to please the children by buying new clothes for them and decorating houses with Nativity Scenes made of banana plants and garlands; a time when families would come together to buy a cow or goats to eat and to celebrate together.
Today, the Christmas feast in Goma is conditioned by the situation of uncertainty and insecurity that has become chronic and unpredictable. The hours of the Masses have been changed to avoid murders and deaths that are already very frequent. The Mass on Christmas Eve takes place in the early afternoon of 24 December. Only in the Cathedral does it begin later, but not after 19:00, and then everyone leaves to reach their house almost running. There are no more songs for the vigil.
Christmas decorations and purchases are rare or non-existent for many. At the Christmas feast, families tend to gather in a private way to share meals and exchange wishes. Unfortunately, mistrust and fear grow because anything can happen at any moment. You can go from joy to the most unexpected disaster. However, Christian communities that can, organize themselves to help the most needy, displaced persons, prisoners, and elderly or disabled people. It is a fund-raising campaign to provide clothing, food, and other materials for the most disadvantaged. Thus, some ecclesial movements (Scouts, Legionaries of Mary, charismatics and volunteers) celebrate Christmas with prisoners, refugees, orphans, and the elderly and war-wounded.
Children and adults receive polenta, rice, and beans, along with some clothes, and the joy explodes. Unfortunately, however, only a small part of the people are visited. The need is immense and some places are inaccessible or dangerous. There are whole parishes displaced in a refugee camp but we often also find refugees who are on the grounds of the parish and in the churches.
In extreme precariousness, it is Christmas when we are surprised by gestures and words of hope and when laughter and festive dances burst out at the birth of a child, at the wedding of young people who love each other. Goma has the appearance of a normal city where one dreams of a better life.
From Cabo Delgado, Mozambique – St. John Bosco Province (MOZ), Sister Alessandra Maria and Sister Ignacia:
For Christmas, solemn songs are usually prepared and, in some communities, Christmas dinners to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Sometimes, communities in the hinterland travel long distances to reach the parish for Mass, because there are few priests and they cannot be present in all the communities. Some priests prefer to go to the communities in the hinterland in the afternoon, because, in addition to the distances, there is no electric light that allows the celebration of Mass and the return of the faithful to their homes.
This situation has changed since 2017, when many Christians, due to terrorist attacks, have fled their regions of origin and must adapt to new circumstances. In these reception centers, people from different parts of the province come together to celebrate Christmas.
The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Cabo Delgado assist in some of these centers and distribute goods offered by humanitarian organizations, benefactors, and other religious communities, including the FMA which, in addition, collaborate with Christians to prepare the various liturgical moments and some recreational activities for the children.
Pope Francis, in the Bull of the Ordinary Jubilee 2025, Spes non confundit, encourages the people of God to support the hope of the many oppressed populations. “The Christian community should always be ready to defend the rights of the weakest. Generously open the doors of hospitality, so that no one may ever lose hope for a better life” (no.13).
The Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians offers concrete support to the population and relies on the generosity and solidarity of all. You can send contributions and offerings in the ways indicated on the Web site of the FMA Institute, designating in the motive Solidarity Christmas 2024 and possibly specifying the destination.
Que maravillosa labor. Como me gustaría participar. Me ha cogido muy mayor haberlo descubierto, pero a pesar de todo quiero estar en alguna parte colaborando.
Que suerte tenéis de estar ahí, dando Alegría, Paz y Esperanza.
Ringrazio molto sr. Ruth e sorelle collaboratrici dell’ambito Missione ed anche dell’ambito CS per questa esemplare notizia ‘NATALE di SPERANZA’ vissuto da nostre sorelle e loro destinatari in zone di emergenza; grazie anche agli animatori delle campagne umanitarie che esortano a sostenerli con vari contributi.