Rome (Italy). On 9 June 2024, in the Generalate of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Rome, the 50th anniversary of the Religious Profession of Sister Paola Battagliola and Sister Phyllis Neves, General Councilors of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians was celebrated, and of Sister Pina Del Core and Sister Maria Teresa Mastrotto, of Mary Help of Christians Community (RCG).

The Community and the General Council accompanied the Sisters with prayer, well-prepared liturgy and songs. “Together with them, we ask for the grace to proclaim with strength our hope in the faithfulness of God who never fails, just as Saint Paul wishes, ‘Let us keep without wavering the profession of our hope, because He who promised is faithful’ (Heb 10:23)”, was read in the introduction.

“I belong to the Lord”. In his homily, Fr. Luis Rosón, Salesian of Don Bosco, stressed the greatness of the gift of belonging to the Lord. “With a Lord so gentle, so loving, so respectful and persevering towards me, I can give trust, not only to Him, but also to myself, because He gives me confidence. Before I believe in Him, He believes in me. He did not wait for me to understand Him to call me. He made a vow of trust in me, telling me what Our Lady said to Don Bosco, ‘In time you will understand everything’. Only in heaven will we see how much the Lord and Mary Help of Christians have loved us and trusted us.”

“My grace is enough, risk with me.” Fr. Roson ended by wishing, “Sisters, let us joyfully continue our gratitude and let us move on to this beautiful grateful memory: 50 years later, with more awareness and no less generosity, looking ahead.”

Sister Paola, Sister Phyllis, Sister Pina, and Sister Maria Teresa then pronounced the formula of consecration to God the Father and thanked for His gifts and for the call to follow Christ more closely according to the charism of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello.

The celebration was enriched by some gestures, such as the deposition on the altar of yellow roses, “a sign of life that blooms in beauty” and a shared offering for the salvation of our brothers and sisters, especially young people. Before the final blessing, the Superior General, Mother Chiara Cazzuola, gave each one a lighted lamp, saying, “May your lamp always burns, from evening to morning before the Lord in perennial blessing.”

The feast continued with the convivial and fraternal moment of the meal, with the presence of Mother and General Councilors, enlivened by a song that expressed gratitude for fidelity to the yes in this vocation, “thank you for this love story, for the alliance of peace that you wanted with us.”

Mother Chiara, in her wish, highlighted how 50 years is a considerable time and how, with the risk of being moved, probably each has looked back in time according to the number of years of Profession. “Those who have not yet made their perpetual vows have an advantage, because they have fewer years to think about, but those who are already a little ahead in life can only thank the Lord, because fidelity is His gift. Then of course, it is up to us, to our responsibility, to keep it, to nourish it, to make it live and bring it into life. But it is true that it is His gift.” 

Thanking the Lord again for the fidelity of all present, especially of the four ‘brides’ celebrated, she asked for a remembrance also for the Sisters who are struggling more and for the young people who are preparing to say their yes, “so that they may not be afraid. Fear is a normal feeling – I think we too have experienced it – but in the face of God’s love and mercy fear is reduced”.


  1. Tanti auguri per vostra festa di fedeltà. Che Dio il più fedele vi colmi con le sue grazie per l’intercessione della nostra Madre del Dio fedele.
    Unite nella gioia della chiamata del Signore !!!! Sr Christine fma

  2. Tanti auguri, Care sorelle !!!!!
    Che Dio vi benedice per vostra fidelità!
    Unite con voi nella gioia profonda,
    Sr Christine Lengauer

  3. Felicidades hermanas.
    La misericordia del Señor es eterna.
    El las sostenga y nos sostenga siempre.
    F iat
    M agnificat
    A leluya

  4. Care sorelle, mi congratulo con voi per la vostra testimonianza di fedeltà, di gioiosa e totale dedizione al nostro Istituto, alla Chiesa, alla comunità, ai nostri amati giovani. Che Dio sia sempre la vostra forza e che la Madonna Ausiliatrice vi benedica.

  5. Damos gracias a Dios por su fidelidad, sostener el Sí de cada una, confiar en su amor y su gracia. Felicidades a cada una.


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