Rome (Italy) On August 5, 2020, the Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Mother Yvonne Reungoat, with a video message, officially opens the second year of preparation for 150th of Foundation of the FMA Institute (1872-2022). On August 5, 2019 in Mornese (AL), a charismatic place, she had started just a year ago, the “three years of praise, of gratitude, of new educational and vocational vitality” (Circular 989).
The first year, illumined by the words of Mother Mazzarello, “We truly thank the Lord who gives us many graces” (L 37.10), underlines Mother in her Message – “It was a year we wanted to be under the banner of ‘thank you’ and this tone has continued to follow it despite fears, lockdowns, mourning, because we know we are in the hands of God and that every event, happy or sad, prepares the Easter dawn: for this reason, even in tears , we can keep saying “thank you”.
Gratitude for the year 2020-2021 is followed by the theme Accepting a mandate: “I entrust them to you”.
“In Mornese, Mary accompanied the young Maín and guided her, especially in her uncertainty about her future, towards a new horizon of the mission: taking care of poor girls by giving her a precise mandate: I entrust them to you” (Circular 989).
In Circular no. 1000, Mother Yvonne Reungoat invites us to approach the figure of Mother Mazzarello with new depth to penetrate more into that “I entrust them to you” which was the guiding thread of her life and which challenges each one of us. She also proposes questions to keep in mind throughout the year, as a motive for reflection with the educating community: “Who is entrusted to us today? What conditions does this mandate require so that, from generation to generation, it will be a fruitful womb of new life for all of us and for the new generations? What can ‘Mornese’ say to today’s young people?”.
“I entrust them to you” from generation to generation, so that the young people will be fully realized and happy even on this earth, because they will discover the richness of the gift of self for the love of God, so that they may be saints and saints of the Third Millennium; so that young women may always feel this mandate as addressed to them personally and respond by accepting to become living stones of the monument to Mary Help of Christians!
In communion with the FMA all over the world, August 5th is the day to remember the roots and renew our ‘yes’ to the Salesian vocation, opening to a future of hope where the expression of Don Bosco, “Mary walks in this house” (cf. Cronaca V, 51-52), gives us the certainty that Mary is present where the mission entrusted to the FMA and the educating communities takes place as protector, guide, and inspirer, to live the generative power of the charism in the today of history.
Querida Madre, Gracias por el servicio generoso, sencillo, fraterno de todos estos años. Nos diste y nos seguís dando un testimonio hermoso de tu amor a la Virgen y al Instituto, a los jóvenes!!!! Dios te Bendiga en este tiempo difícil y esperanzado, te ilumine y cuide tu corazón. Un abrazo agradecido Hna. Lucía
Querida Madre, você continua escrevendo a história da fidelidade ao carisma salesiano e alarga nossos horizontes em tempos difíceis, onde prevalece a nossa fidelidade. Superar significa permanecer na fidelidade ancorada no amor previniente do Pai,
e acreditar que dias melhores virão no horizonte de Deus. Obrigada por estar à frente do nosso Instituto.
momento de graça ,Celebrar o dia do instituto das Filhas de maria Auxiliadora como ação de graças a Deus, então para nós Filhas é motivo de grande alegria saber que temos a certeza da presença de Maria Auxiliadora como nossa Mestra e guia .
a presença da nossa querida,Madre Yvonne sempre atenta aos apelo do mundo nos mantem abastecida sobre a espiritualidade do carisma representa para nós,vinculo de Unidade e Comunhão com a Igreja na pessoa do papa Francisco, e com Deus na presença do pessoa Jovens destinatários de nossa Missão com Carinho e oração Ir,Zefinha
Dearest Mother Yvonne,
Thank you for your inspiring message you gave us last night for Aug.5th. It comes from a heart who is in love with her Spouse and loves her Daughters. Yes, Mother, I do want to accept the mandate:”i entrust them to you” and live it in my life. This morning we prayed for you and all the FMA of the World that we may always remain united to the Center.
Everyday, we have the Blessed Sacrament expose to pray for the people suffering with the Virus, and those who are homeless. May our dearest Blessed Mother,M.H.C. give you the health and strength. Much love, fidelity and prayers Sr. Mary Bertha Paquin,FMA
the health and the strength
Dear Mother Yvonne,
Thank you very much for your inspiring words given to us with so much love, fervor
and enthusiasm dearest Mother. Happy Anniversary on this beautiful Day of our Consecration to Jesus. Yes, I renew my fervor today at Mass. Mother Yvonne you’ll surely
be missed. You’re a real Mother always thinking about her Daughters which sometimes I am
not always the best. I pray for you everyday, dearest Mother. you’ve a very heavy
responsibility on your shoulders but Mary is with you in every step.
Thank you, thank you again for all you do for us. Sr. Mary Bertha Paquin,FMA
Gozo de ser salesiana, amo la congregación, mi si lo renuevo constantemente, mi bandera es María Auxiliadora, mis estandartes DonBosco y Madre Mazzarelo, mi preocupación la juventud,mi deseo cumplir siempre la voluntad de mi Señor, hacerme santa, vivir plenamente mi Consagración, ir finalmente a gozar de MI DIOS Y SEÑOR
Thank you for the inspiring message. Happy Institute Day Mother Yvonne, prayers for all your intentions. Greetings to all the Sisters and your council too, from all of us here in San Giuseppe Mabalacat Pampanga, Philippines.
Thanks a lot dear Mother for this inspiring message. During the Holy Eucharist prayer for all your intentions and May God bless us all!
Chère Mère Yvonne
VIDES Canada se joignent à toute la famille Salésienne spécialement les FMA en ce jour de profession religieuse. Que Marie Auxiiatrice continue à accompagner chaque FMA et chaque jeune pour répondre à l’appel du Seigneur dans la vocation selon sa volonté,
Nos prières et grosses accolades
Dearest Mother, happy Institute day to you. Thank you so much for the message from your heart of a mother to all the daughters and to the suffering brethren all over the world due to Covid-19 Pandemic. We joyfully accept the mandate: “I entrust them to you” personally and as community. We relived with grateful and joyful heart the experience of Mornese during the Eucharist this morning and we remembered all the FMA in our prayers. We are trying to live out the three characteristics of Mornese: …live in poverty, work much, pray with fervor.
May the Lord continue to guide every step you take and may our Blessed Mother continue to walk with us so that we may be hopeful and joyful disciples of her Son.