Ikorodu (Nigeria). On 26 June2021, at the Parish of St. Augustine of Ikorodu, the Animators Course was held organized by the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of the West Africa Mother of God Province (AFO) present in Nigeria.

The theme of the Formation meeting, which was attended by more than 50 animators of the parishes of the Deanery of Ikorodu was: “Preventive System, Educational Pedagogy and Spirituality for the education of children today”.

Present at the day were Fr. Basil Okoro, Dean of the Deanery of Ikorodu, Fr. Francis, Chaplain of the Missionary Childhood Association (MCA), Fr. Livinus Orakwe, Claretian of the Parish of St. Augustine.

Corso animatori Nigeria

Sr. Justine Egbedike Oluchi, FMA, animated the formative meeting with the Salesian educational method, through teaching, sharing among and with the young people, and group work to concretely lead animators to understand the importance of the Preventive System. The young people lived a time in work groups with practical activities on the application of the Preventive System with children.

At the end of the formation meeting, the animators expressed their gratitude to God and to the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians for the  experience lived.

The FMA Community  composed of Sr. Jacqueline George, Sr. Justine Egbedike Oluchi, and Sr. Dieudonne Jean Louis  made their  official entrance in Ikorodu-Lagos in Nigeria, in the Archdiocese of Lagos, on 15 November 2019 in response to requests from local Bishops to respond to the educational and formation needs of young Nigerians. They collaborate with pastoral activities and the accompaniment of groups of young people and children in the Parish of St. Augustine, for vocational animation and the oratory.

With the presence of the FMA, the educational charism of St. John Bosco and St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello spreads in Nigeria, so that the young people may know Jesus and live life to the full.


  1. The training was superb.
    It was a wonderful one
    With children all over the world ………….
    we are always friends……..

  2. We are aware of the good work of the Salesian Sisters in the Archdiocese of Lagos, especially in Ikorodu Deanery where they are domiciled. Their presence among us is a blessing. May God continue to bless and speed them as they serve our communities especially the children entrusted to their care. Thank you Sisters and, please keep up your good work. Msgr. Anthony OBANLA – Lagos Archdiocesan Chancellor

    • Thank you Monsignor for calling our sisters in Nigerian lands. Thank you for supporting your presence in the midst of children and young people. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you.
      I am very happy to see our sisters in Nigeria! I ask the Lord to bless his mission so that with young people they share and live the Gospel of the joy whit the salesian style of our holy founders: Saint John Bosco and Saint Mary Dominga Mazzarello.

    • All praise and thanksgiving to God for his work in the lives and the souls of the Youth through this beautiful charism. We pray that they animator may take to heart whatever they have learnt and let it fructify wherever they will be among the poorer ones as a sign, an expression and a radiant of Hope.

  3. Thank God for what He’s doing through our sisters in Lagos. God bless and keep you moving for the glory of God and for the salvation of souls.

  4. We thank God for the gift of our Educational Charisma to Holy Mother church and to humanity. We thank our Very Rev. Mother Yvonne REUNGOAT, whom God has used to make possible for FMA presence in Nigeria.

    What a joy today to see the Missionary Childhood Association (MCA) in Archdiocese of Lagos been formed with our Preventive System method given to us by St. John Bosco and St. Mary Dominica mazzarello.

    Long live Daughters of Mary help of Christians ( AFO) province, long live Nigerian youths and children, especially the poorer ones.

    Sr. Justine Egbedike Oluchi

  5. So happy to be a beneficiary.

    God bless the Salestian Sisters of Johnbosco represented by charismatic Sr. Justine.

    It was quite an experience.


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