Rome (Italy). On 14 December 2024 in Rome, at the Generalate of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians,  Representatives of Associations and Groups of the Salesian Family – Salesians Cooperators, World Confederation of Mornese Past Pupils, and  Members of the FMA, ADMA, VIDES) and FVGS onlus expressed their Christmas greetings to the Superior General, Mother Chiara Cazzuola, and to the General Councilors of the FMA Institute. In addition to the representatives present, about 80 people from all over the world were connected online.

Sister Leslie Sandigo, General Councilor of the Salesian Family, welcomed everyone and briefly introduced the program, while Renato Valera, President of ADMA, led the assembly in initial prayer and reflection on the theme, “Believe, Hope, and Love”, based on the story of Domenico Melegatti’s pandoro, a pastry chef from Verona.

Here is the story. In more recent times, the company Melegatti faced moments of crisis, due to which the company had to close. At this dramatic moment, three workers – Carlo, Michele, and Davide – in fear of losing forever the tradition of the pandoro, decided to take care of the ‘mother yeast’, the essential element for the preparation of the cake. Even though the farm was closed and they did not receive a salary, they continued to refresh the yeast, feeding it every day with flour and water.

This seemingly simple gesture,  was in fact an act of great hope and faith, a symbol of resilience and attachment to a tradition they did not want to let die. In November 2018, the Vicenza family Spezzapria gave a new lease to the Melegatti brand, relaunching the production of pandoro and giving life to the company. This brought light to the history and commitment of workers who had kept alive hope and the possibility of resuming production.

With this significant story, Renato helped to reflect and recall the importance of the jubilee year in which everyone was called to enter with the theme “Pilgrims of hope”, encouraging us to remain anchored to hope, according to the theme of Strenna 2025.

The moment of reflection ended with the offering to Mother Chiara of the ‘mother yeast’ that the representatives of the Salesian Family had prepared and preserved, a symbolic presentation of hope, a “luminous” pandoro and a financial contribution from the Associations, with gratitude for her support and guidance.

Mother Chiara, thanking everyone, addressed a wish based on the joy of Christmas, on  “Gaudete Sunday”, without forgetting the difficult world situation. “The joy of the heart is stronger than the possession of material goods; joy is fruit of prayer. The announcement of the Messiah is a bearer of joy, in that He reestablishes the covenant of God with His people. […] Great joy for all the people. Wherever the Messiah passes, He brings forth joy.”

In addition: “The Lord communicates this joy that is a comfort in order to live daily looking upwards. As Don Bosco said, inviting us to walk with our feet on the ground and our hearts turned towards the heaven. Our steps find their fulfilment in heaven.”

Mother concluded by assuring each one of her prayers and closeness to each one and their families: “Feel yourselves truly close, you and your families, with what you carry in your heart.”

The encounter ended with a Christmas snack in a family atmosphere, with mutual wishes for a happy Christmas and a new year full of hope.

Photos: Flickr FMA


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