Rome (Italy). On 21 November 2021, Solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe, in Mary Help of Christians Basilica in Turin, nine new missionaries, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, and one missionary will receive the missionary Crucifix from the Mother General of the FMA Institute, Sr. Chiara Cazzuola, during the Eucharistic celebration presided over by the Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, in which about ten SDB missionaries, out of 23 members of this year’s expedition, will receive the missionary mandate.
The celebration is part of the missionary tradition of the two Congregations, in which the first missionaries sent by Don Bosco left from the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Turin; the first expedition for the SDB missionaries was on 11 November 1875; for the FMA, on 14 November 1877.
The new FMA missionaries coming from Brazil, Chile, Philippines, Ghana, Mexico, Poland, Spain, and Vietnam, beginning on 19 November will prepare to live this moment with an itinerary on Salesian places “from the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians to the world” and with sharing the motivations and challenges of the mission ‘ad gentes’ today, with the SDB missionaries, with the Rector Major, and with Mother General.
Having arrived in Rome at the end of August, the new missionaries began their formative experience in the Community of Mary Help of Christians in Rome, seat of St. John Bosco Province (IRO), which welcomed the group with fraternity and availability, as they began attendance at the Intensive Italian Course and the Annual Missionary Formation Course at the Pontifical Urbaniana University.
Since the conclusion of the XXIV General Chapter, which took place from 17 September to 24 October 2021, the new missionaries continue their formation at the Community of Mary Help of Christians of the Generalate (RCG), which offers its interculturality and an open gaze on the world to broaden their heart to a reality without borders.
“Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature” (Mc 16,15)
Felicidades a nuestras misioneras, y oramos x su.apostolado, Dios las y los bendiga.
Viva missionaria!
Congratulations to the new missionaries!One with you in thanking the Lord for the gift of a missionary vocation. May our Blessed Mother walk with you in this journey of selfgiving and love for the mission….
Thank you Sr. Aleth for saying Yes to the mission ad gentes…..praying for more missionaries…..
Queridas Irmãs missionárias, quero dizer aos seus corações: DEIXEM-SE LEVAR PELO SOPRO DO ESPÍRITO SANTO E AS ORIENTAÇÕES DE MARIA: “FAZEI TUDO O QUE ELE VOS DISSER!” Contem com nossas orações fraternas. Estamos com vocês, queremos ir com vocês onde forem levando o nome de Jesus a muitos com suas atitudes, exemplo, testemunho, acolhida e se for preciso, use palavras. Meu abraço a cada uma das nove. Muitas orações e acompanhamento fraterno.
Grazie al Signore Gesù che manda ancora vocazioni per le missioni Sin da bambina ho frequentato l’Istituto di Maria Ausiliatrice di Soverato e mi è stato insegnato a pregare per le missioni il mese di Ottobre è stato sempre dedicato alle Missioni si lavorava per la raccolta di offerte pro Missioni
Agradezco la respuesta a esta insigne vocación. Nosotras desde San José, Costa Rica las acompañamos con nuestra oración. Muchas felicidades.
Muchas bendiciones para nuestras hermanas Neomisioneras.
Jesús llene su corazón de alegría.
Che gioia vedere che ci sono ancora missionarie. Congratulazioni per la vostra nuova missione, ovunque andate portate con voi la parola del vangelo e lo spirito dei nostri Santi tra i giovani, specialmente i più’ poveri. Sr Assunta Colussi
Que o Bom Pastor ilumine seus caminhos e seja seu companheiro de estrada! Maria, a Auxiliadora, as fortaleça diante de qualquer obstáculo. Alessandra e Kelly, na oração estamos com vocês e suas companheiras. Coragem e muita esperança!