Rome (Italy). In three-year preparation for the 150th of the first missionary expedition on 14 November 1877, with the theme “It’s time to re-kindle the fire!”, the FMA Institute lauched a Contest for the creation of the Logo and the Anthem that will accompany the numerous local and international initiatives.

In a Letter addressed to Provincials, Superiors of Preprovinces, and Provincial Teams (5 June 2024), Sister Ruth del Pilar Mora, Councilor for the Missions, and Sister Maria Ausilia De Siena, Councilor for Communication, motivated the initiative as follows:

“We want to offer a concrete opportunity for participation and involvement in order to deepen the missionary passion, proper to every disciple of the Lord. (…) Graphics, music, and dance are universal languages that fascinate children, young people, and adults alike and require reflection and depth to acquire expressive strength.”

A video, translated into 28 languages, allows the initiative to be known and disseminated in the Educating Communities, so as to encourage adherence.

With the invitation to “animate the Educating Communities, so that together we can ‘re-kindle the fire’ that keeps alive hope and joy”, there are available, translated into different languages:

  • The Letter launching the Contest
  • The Rules and the registration form
  • The ppt with historical notes on the first missionary expedition.

Materials 150th First missionary expedition

The registration for the Contest must be received no later than 25 September 2024, in accordance with the procedures set out in the Regulations.


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