Rome (Italy). The second issue of the magazine Da Mihi Animas (DMA) is online, which, in line with the topical theme of Peace planned for this year 2024, develops the theme “Dialogue, Condition of Peace”.
Sister Maria Ausilia De Siena, the Communications Councilor of the FMA Institute, highlights in the editorial how dialogue is without a doubt a real challenge of the contemporary age:
“We often witness heated confrontations that are more akin to clashes than to real exchanges of ideas. In the political dispute there are increasingly aggressive tones and a lexicon far from elegant and diplomatic forms. Paradoxically, even in upholding a principle of non-violence, we come across aggressive and disrespectful forms. What is worse is the impact on citizens, who unwittingly absorb a very questionable style of debate. From this language, the desire does not emerge for real discussion with the other in view of the common good, with the logical consequence of a cultural and social dispersion.
Another disturbing issue is the banality of many contents conveyed by the media, addressed to an anesthetized audience, floating on a quiet mediocrity, devoid of critical spirit. There are only two aspects of the world scenario that challenge us. How can we place ourselves in it to face the demanding challenge of dialogue?”.
It is a question addressed to all, and Sister Maria Ausilia offers insights to guide an answer:
“It is important first of all to consolidate our identity, to form our own convictions, to deepen the motivations of our choice of life, to inquire about the relevant events of the local, national, and international community […] To dialogue, it is necessary to have something to say, the willingness to listen to the other, and to understand him/her even beyond words […] in the knowledge that everyone, even in the most beautiful relationships, always has something to forgive and something to be forgiven”.
The Dossier presents the interesting experience of the United States of the World, a worldwide federation of 181 countries and more than 16,000 civil society organizations in which the Salesian Family – particularly the FMA – are among the first founders and signatories of the Constitution.
As with the first issue, the back of the cover features a poster with an expression by Mother Mazzarello that can be downloaded from the magazine’s website at, where it is also possible to view issues of the magazine published from 2006 to the present.
Enjoy your reading!