Geneva (Switzerland). The 101st annual meeting of the Board of the International Office for Human Rights was held in Geneva from 4 to 6 December 2024 at the John Knox Conference Center l’Enseignement Catholique (OIEC). It was attended by members from five continents, including Sister Martha Séïde, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, Professor at the Pontifical Faculty of Education Science “Auxilium”, representing religious congregations, and Sister Ana Julia Suriel, FMA, representative of the Inter-American Confederation of Catholic Education (CIEC).

The venue of the meeting is significant in Switzerland, the birthplace of the organization, and particularly in Geneva, the symbolic city of the encounter of nations.

In addition to the ordinary issues concerning the situation of Catholic education in the world, this Council was an exceptional opportunity for members to receive formation aimed at deepening the subject of multilateralism in their relations with international bodies and better understanding of the mechanisms for civil society participation in the UN.

Two outstanding speakers offered their reflections on these topics. The first report entitled: “OIEC and multilateralism for sustainable development” was proposed by the Apostolic Nuncio Mons. Ettore Balestrero, permanent observer of the Holy See at the United Nations Office and Specialized Institutions in Geneva, at the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The intervention, enlightened by his rich experience, helped to reinforce the conviction on how important it is to invest in multilateralism to build partnerships with the aim of mapping sustainable paths of education, safeguarding the integrality of the person according to Christian anthropology. In this perspective, he encouraged the OIEC to be always present in international bodies where the fate of humanity is decided. He also invited to continue working in the logic of the Global Educative Pact, taking care of the formation of teachers so that they are able to accompany the young generations to enter into dialogue with contemporary culture with critical sense and discernment.

The second report, entitled “Formation on the Universal Periodic Examination (UPR)”, was delivered by Dr. Maria D’Onofrio, Secretary-General of the International Catholic Center in Geneva. Dr. D’Onofrio is engaged in advocacy work at the International Institute of Mary Help of Christians (IIMA) in Geneva and VIDES International, a missionary volunteer association created by the FMA Institute. Her report provided insight into the universal periodic human rights assessment of UN member states.

The universal periodic review plays a crucial role in promoting and protecting human rights, stimulating continuous improvement through stakeholder input and peer recommendations. The rapporteur therefore encouraged OIEC members to actively participate in advocacy activities, with a view to concrete improvements regarding human rights in different fields of the educative mission in the world.

Another important moment was the meeting with the Rector of the Basilica of Notre Dame de Genève, Fr. Pascal Desthieux, who helped to better understand the characteristics of Catholic education in Switzerland, providing everyone with valuable insights into acting creatively in a predominantly multi-religious environment. The visit to a Catholic school permitted understanding the presentation even better.

The Council concluded with gratitude for discovering the beauties of the city, for the guided tour to the United Nations and, above all, for the strong experience of unity in diversity lived during these days in the “city of Nations”, with the renewed commitment to continue working for a Catholic education that generates hope throughout the world.


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