Bahía Blanca (Argentina). On 25 March 2021, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, three young Argentine women began the journey to become Daughters of Mary Help of Christians by entering the Postulancy, the time preceding the Novitiate.
In this phase of the formation process, the young women are invited to deepen the call of God, to grow in the encounter with Christ, and in dedication to their brothers and sisters. They intensify their formation through experiences of prayer, community and apostolic life, careful religious preparation, and a progressive assimilation of the spirit of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello.
At the celebration of the imposition of the medal of Mary Help of Christians and Don Bosco, with the motto “Here I am Lord to do your will”, were present the Provincials Sr. María Elena Fernández of the Province of St. Francis de Sales (ABA), Sr. Marta Riccioli of the Province of St. Francis Xavier (ABB), and Sr. Adriana Gomez of the Province of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (ARO).
In the process of re-signifying the presence of the FMA in Argentina, the Councils of the three Provinces shared the choice to unify the experience of the Postulancy and chose Laura Vicuña House of Bahía Blanca, in the ABB Province.
The interprovincial experience favors the growth of the young through group experience. The choice of the house is also for the mission at the service of the poorest carried out in the neighborhood.
The young women were welcomed in Bahía Blanca by the FMA of Laura Vicuña Community and began to follow the online formation courses with the young women in formation of the Interprovincial Conference of the Southern Cone of Latin America (CICSAL).
The young women shared the reasons that led them to this important step:
“I feel that it is God who is calling me, inviting me to continue the journey to discover it, to confirm that He is calling me to the vocation of a Daughter of Mary Help of Christians and to make known this charism that I love so much.”
“In this time of formation, I want to continue discovering Jesus in everyday life and be able to make Him known”.
“Jesus invites me to feel loved by Him through the various people who accompany me.”
The young women are wished a peaceful and fruitful journey to be the presence of God among young people, in the footsteps of St. John Bosco and St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello.
Congratulations! Our prayers are with you as you begin this important journey of your discernment. Blessings! SEC
Fewlicidades a las inspectorías de la Argentina por estas nuevas Postulantes, signo de la generatividad de la vida que se gesta en las comunidades al pie del sagrario y el rostro alegre y contagioso.
Dios sigue llamando, hagamos posible la escucha de Su voz y la fortaleza de la Respuesta.