Piedmont (Italy). From 12 to 17 September 2024, the Novices of the International Novitiate of Mary Help of Christians of Castelgandolfo, of St. John Bosco Province (IRO), lived an in-depth experience in the places of the life of Mother Mazzarello and Don Bosco in Piedmont, in Mornese (AL), and in Turin.

Sister Blancha Sanchez, Animator of St. Mary D. Mazzarello Community in Mornese, accompanied the group to the ‘Holy Land’ of the FMA, underlining how the land, the culture, and the family, with the relationships that constitute it, laid solid foundations in the personality of Mother Mazzarello.

The stop at the Roverno, a stream that contains many themes of Mornese spirituality, was the place to study the importance of work, community, and attention to integration into society, into the Country. The Novices also deepened their devotion to Mary and were invited to look deeply into their Marian filiation.

Sunday, spent at the Valponasca, was the ideal situation in which to feel most challenged by the importance of the Eucharist, by the vital relationship and centrality of union with Jesus, which prompted them to reflect on their way of ‘being with Him’.

Instead on the following day, they were introduced to one of the darkest and at the same time most significant moments in Main’s life. It was the time of her sickness in the house on Via Valgelata, when she experienced a sense of impotence, but above all, of abandonment to the will of God.

On 17 September, the Novices left for the second stage of the pilgrimage, Colle Don Bosco, led by Fr. Enrico Lupano, SDB. On that day, they were able to immerse themselves in the places of Johnny Bosco, his birthplace and the Temple. With the Memoirs of the Oratory in their hands, they studied Don Bosco’s family context, the significance of the figure of his father Francesco, and the centrality of his mother Margherita in his life. In the afternoon, they went to the little church of Morialdo, looking at Johnny’s providential meeting with Fr. Calosso.

The following day, under a “blessing rain”, they stopped at the Cascina Moglia, in the Province of Asti, where, guided by Fr. Enrico Ponte, SDB Novice Master, they meditated on the three-year period of detachment, patience, and apparent ‘waste of time’ of John Bosco, who was able to transform this time into contemplation, work, and internalization of his own desires.  They then celebrated Holy Mass at the church of Moncucco.

Between one stage and another, there could not be lacking of moments of play, singing, and sharing with the Salesian Novices.

Third and final stop of the pilgrimage: Turin. Always in the footsteps of the young Don Bosco, they retraced the initial phases of his priesthood in the church of St. Francis of Assisi; the time of silence and discernment in the Ecclesiastical Residence, but also of attention to the surrounding reality that called him to charity, discovering more and more how God loves ‘small and ugly’ spaces to begin wonderful works.

The Novices also retraced the steps, times, and places of the itinerary of the oratories, defining the social context in which Don Bosco began to take care of young people. In particular, they approached the important figures that Don Bosco crossed paths with: Fr. Joseph Cafasso, from whom he learned how to be a priest; the Marchioness Giulia di Barolo, with her innovative charitable initiatives, such as the Refuge or the hospital for female prisoners; the theologian Borel, a precious friend and tireless supporter.

“Valdocco, land and laboratory of holiness” was the theme of the following day, recalling first of all that holiness is in the baptismal call, for the community and for the young people who meet. Visiting the rooms of the Don Bosco House Museum, they were amazed by the variety and fruitfulness of Saints – including young people under 30 – who sanctified themselves in everyday life, in the mission, or in martyrdom.

The last day, September 21, was dedicated to the synthesis of the experience and personal reflection.

“Both in Mornese and in Turin, we approached two lives made up of an intense family relationship, of deep prayer, of readiness to change, of humility towards those who took care of them, of courage in choosing their own path, of docility to the Lord and, finally, of a big heart to go out to meet the young people,” are the words of the Novices.

“During the pilgrimage, we have seen that, in the folds of the lives of our Saints, there were truly many thorns, among which, however, a splendid rose is hidden: the action of God in the concreteness of their lives. It is up to us to see our roses among the thorns. All it takes is the eyes of faith to see them.”


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