Rome (Italy). The Final Document of the Salesian Youth Synod 2024 has been published by the Youth Ministry Sector of the Salesians of Don Bosco, with the contribution of the Youth Ministry Sector of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

The Document is the final result of the whole process organized in three phases: a first preparatory phase of listening and dialogue, which took place in each Province to gather the voice of young people from all over the world through a questionnaire. A second phase was at Colle Don Bosco, from 11 to 16 August 2024, with a synodal methodology, working in small linguistic groups (Minor Circles) of discussion on the Instrumentum laboris, culminating in the Plenary Assembly; and a final phase of drafting the Final Document.

Essential was the work involving in each Province young people from 18 to 30 years old, engaged in pastoral processes of the educating communities and young religious, invited to answer questions of a questionnaire, to stimulate and facilitate the experience of sharing and listening. The aim was not only to answer questions, but to enter a process of personal experience and analysis of reality and discernment.

The responses to the questionnaire were organized according to the main themes emerging from the results and this served as a basis for compiling the Instrumentum laboris for the event of the Youth Synod at the world level. The Provincial teams of SDB and FMA were also involved in the process, with a questionnaire dedicated to them, based on the question: What can we do effectively and concretely to help young people realize their dreams in life?

At the event of the SYS 2024 of August at Valdocco and at Colle Don Bosco, 375 people, mostly young people, of 94 nationalities, carried on the work, continuing with a synodal methodology of sharing, listening, and commitment. This was facilitated by taking cultural diversity as an experience where young people could support each other, become friends, share their thoughts, and discuss together about issues and values from different backgrounds. The spiritual climate of silence and prayer that was created favored openness to listening, sharing, and discernment.

To facilitate a harmonious and constructive dialogue, there was a moderator in the Small Circles, so as to ensure the participation of all members, avoiding the protagonism of only some. The minutes of the Working Groups were reported at the times of the plenary assembly, for further listening and discussion on the topics, for a community discernment, and finally, to converge towards the Final Document.

The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and the Salesians of Don Bosco present reaffirmed and concretized their commitment to accompany young people in the realization of their dreams and the dreams that God has for them with the laying out of a Decalogue, the fruit of dialogue and reflections collected in the questionnaires of the provincial teams, with the desire to continue walking together, giving witness to unity and communion.

The final document, which also lists the participants in the final phase, is therefore composed of 3 chapters – 1. The dreams of young people for themselves; 2. The dreams of young people for society and the Church; 3. The dream of young people for the Salesian Youth Movement – and from a final section with the Decalogue laid out by FMA and SDB.

The Youth Ministry Coordinators and SYM Coordinators are invited to use the Final Document – available in Italian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese – in the post-synod reflections at the local and Province levels.


  1. A publicação servirá para orientar os jovens das várias regiões do mundo sobre uma de suas principais questões: os sonhos de vida. Saudações a todos os envolvidos.

  2. Gratidão por esse precioso documento que irá nortear a nossa missão junto às juventudes que tem sede de maiores oportunidades de expressar seus sonhos e sentir-se compreendidos e amados.

  3. grazie di cuore
    mi impegno a conoscerlo e ad attuarlo nella vita salesiana e nella pastorale con il mio equipe per la pastorale giovanile soprattutto per MGS. Sono molto contenta perché nella fase preparatoria anche noi abbiamo inviato il nostro contributo e nel sinodo anche sono stati presente due giovani da TIMOR. Questo documento è un dono dal Signore e una chiamata a prendersi cura dei giovani per portare avanti il sogno dei nove anni di Don Bosco con audacia missionaria. Insieme nella preghiera per il Sinodo dei vescovi. Grazie (sr. Julia Timor)


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