Rome (Italy). The Chapter continues … the Chapter members live intense days of reflection and study with an eye also to the life of the Provinces that they follow with prayer and the offering of their commitment to the mission.
Sr. María Marleny Patino Osorio, Provincial of the Colombian Province of St. Mary Mazzarello – Medellin (CMM), President of the Interprovincial Conference of Bolivarian Nations, shares the expectations of CINAB regarding the XXIV General Chapter.
“As Pope Francis says, the General Chapter must be an ‘upheaval’ that makes us look beyond, that makes us go out…; that urges us, excites us, makes us come out of ourselves, and makes consecrated life more credible.
How? By advancing in the experience of communion that allows us to live in synodality by giving concrete witness to it. Continuing to walk in building the culture of encounter, in synodal work, in a plural context with no boundaries, because in this way the new prophecy becomes real.
In this way we hope to:
– Make the life of prayer grow with a strong and consistent faith, to be women open to the Spirit, to testimony to life as witnesses, prophets, embodying the values of the Gospel.
-Live Consecrated Life in a radical way, faithful to the charism, with adherence to Jesus Christ and His plan.
– Renew personally and as a community the vocational freshness that does not remain only in the objective.
– Reflect and discern in the formative processes. Embrace the identity, the one given by the Spirit and recreated by Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello
– Strengthen the apostolic life together with the laity and young people, with the missionary daring to go out to meet the poor.
– Become, like Mary, expert women in listening to God, to people, and to the suffering of young people.
To be communities that generate life in today’s history.”
Gracias Hermanas por su compromiso en todo este caminar Misionero del l Instituto.
Gracias por las noticias, informaciones y fotos de los momentos màs significativos de este gran acontecimiento històrico de nuestra vida.
Con cariño y gratitud
Hijas de Maria Auxiliadora Comunidad Guadalupe Colombia- CHINCA
Sor Marleny gracias por sus palabras que nos animan no solo a redescubrir la presencia del Espíritu Santo que nos impulsa a salir de nosotras mismas, sino también que nos hacen conscientes para ser audaces en la comunión y en la misión que el Señor nos confía en el mundo. Que nuestra Madre Auxiliadora nos ilumine para ser verdaderas generadoras de vida
Gracias sor Marleny por tu reflexión encarnada en los contextos de los paises bolivarianos. Por expresar, los proyectos, las espectativas, los sueños. Por resaltar la importancia de caminar juntas de apoyarnos.
Siento que s. Marleny esta inspirada por el Espiritu Santo.gracias por tu claridad y valentia.rezo por uds. Para que se dejen conducir por el Espiritu.
¡Viva Jesús!
Gracias, Sor Marleny, por traducir los anhelos de cada Hermana y joven! Este capítulo se ha hecho profecía de Espíritu Santo, y el llamado más grande: Ser signos visibles de la persona de Jesús con la autenticidad del Carisma. Gracias por atender a la voz de Dios y servir como mediación.
Felicitaciones por el amor que cada una está poniendo en llevar el capitulo General XXIV. Y a sor Lupe excelente comunicadora bendiciones y muchos recuerdos.
Escutamos como comunidade a entrevista. obrigada somos desafiadas a todo momento precisamos encontrar caminho certo e eficazes para esta juventude onde os meio de comunicações estão tomando conta da vida dele são comandados por estas novas tecnologias
desde pequenos com jogos violentíssimo e a família não percebe pois deixa que ele veja tudo!!..
Hearty congratulations to Mother General and to all the members of the GC.XIV, for your commitment , total involvement and contribution. Thus far everything
went on well and systematically too by the grace of God, assistance of the Spirit and Mother Mary. The day’s work has beautifully brought out in a very simple and practical manner how our communities can become the communities that generates life in today’s history stressing the importance of prayer life,formation, apostolic mission along with the laity, vocation promotion , and to be like our blessed mother Mary listening to God. Well done ?Prayers are assured to all.