Rome (Italy). We are close to the beginning of  General Chapter XXIV , an important event for every Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, Educating Community, and the Salesian Family in the world.

General Chapter XXIV begins at  the FMA Generalate in Rome on 11 September 2021 and ends on 24 October 2021.

The General Chapter is a «key moment for evaluation, reflection, and guidance in a common  search for God’s will» (C 135). All the FMA, Educating Communities, lay people, and young people of the Salesian Family collaborate in the Chapter experience with a participation in prayer, study, and proposals. The purpose of the General Chapter is to deal with topics relevant to the mission of the Institute «in order to be an ever-more efficacious presence in the Church and in the world» (C 136).

The theme of GC XXIV: “Do whatever he tells you” (Jn 2:5). Communities that generate life in the heart of contemporaneity”, makes explicit the objective that the FMA Institute proposes: To re-awaken the original freshness of the vocational fruitfulness of the FMA Institute.

On the institutional channels, the experience of the XXIV General Chapter celebrated in the heart of contemporaneity and lived in communion with all its interlocutors will be told.

To follow GC XXIV online:

– On the Institutional Website IFMA  ( on the homepage and in the IFMA section, under the item General Chapter, news, reflections, interviews, etc. will be published.

To involve all the interlocutors of the FMA Institute, in the Comments on the news, resonances and brief contributions can be expressed.

– On Facebook ( posts and photos will be published to accompany the events and themes of the Chapter reflection.

– In the section Resources Management, under the item Generale Chapter XXIV ( it will be possible to download the materials of the Chapter.

– In FLICKR the photos that will document the GC XXIV event will be collected.

There will be an opportunity to follow some important moments in direct streaming.

The first appointment is scheduled for Friday 17 September 2021 at 7:00 (Italian time), with the Eucharistic Celebration presided over by the Rector Major Don Ángel Fernandez Artime, and at 9:30 (Italian time) the Official Opening of the XXIV General Chapter.

On the Institutional Website IFMA the appointments to follow will be reported from time to time.

May the XXIV General Chapter be a generative experience of life and hope for the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

Good Journey!


  1. Dear Mother General, General Councillor’s and all the participants of the chapter, we wish you all the best and assurance of prayers for each of you. May God’s spirit rest upon you and accompany you. Keep good health.

  2. Carissima Madre, Sorelle del Concilio Generale e tutti i partecipanti del Capitolo Generale XXIV,
    Noi le sorelle dell’Auxilium Centre, Kattappana, dell’ispettoria di Sacro Cuore Bangalore invochiamo lo Spirito Santo su ciascuna di voi perche`, potete discernere la volonta di Dio per il nostro Istitutto e per la nostra Missione tra le giovane e gli giovani in questo tempo particolare che viviamo.


  3. Dear Mother Yvonne Reungoat, Sr. Chiara, General Councillors, Visiting Councillors, 172 Chapter Members,
    All the best for GC XXIV. May the good Lord fill you all with his Holy Spirit. May our Blessed Mother be your strength, support and guide always. Love and prayers from Srs. Marietta, Teresita, Sophy, Seena, Sheela Jacob and Entire Educating Community Members of AUXILIUM KATTAPPANA.

  4. Uniti nella preghiera al vostro impegno, chiediamo al Signore di accompagnarvi ogni giorno del Capitolo Generale con i doni dello Spirito. Antonello Paba e tutta la Comunità di Sant’Egidio

  5. Grazie per condividere -su questo mezzo- le notizie sul Capitolo Generale, dalla Bolivia seguiremo questo importante evento d’Istituto e vi accompagneremo con la preghiera, perché sia lo Spirito Santo a guidare ognuna di voi.
    Un caro e fraterno saluto alla Madre e ad ogni sorella capitolari.

  6. Que bom poder participar de tão importante evento para todas nós FMA. Minhas orações e acompanhamento on line de tudo que estiver à nossa disposição. Que Maria Auxiliadora, Dom Bosco, Madre Mazzarello e todos os nossos Santos sejam intercessores para que o Espírito Santo de Deus faça acontecer um novo Pentecostes na Igreja e em nosso Instituto, nos dias de hoje.

  7. Unidas en oración, seguras de que el Espíritu Santo guiará todo para el bien del Instituto, de los jóvenes y niños, y todo para la gloria de Dios. Sor Irma Murillo


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