Lima (Perù). From 12 to 16 January 2025, in the Provincial House of Breña, Lima, and from 18 to 22 January in the House of Spirituality Laura Vicuña, in the neighborhood of Chaclacayo, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of the 16 Communities of St. Rose of Lima Province (PER) with 32 lay people, young people, and adults representing the different educative realities – Schools, Youth Oratories-Centers, Technical and Professional Educative Centers (CETPRO), Reception Houses, and Groups of the Salesian Family (Past Pupils, ADMA, Salesian Cooperators), gathered together to live the experience of the triennial verifica.
Yuyarikunanchik, Quechua word that means “let us remember together” is the slogan that prepared the Province to live the Triennial Verifica and that summarizes the importance the the mission has assumed in these last three years.
In the first four days of both sessions, the FMA worked in synodality with the laity, reviewing the experience of the three choices and the resolution taken by the GC XXIV, highlighting the processes that favored its realization in the years from 2022 to 2024. We have also chosen the attitudes to be promoted in the next three years and the objectives of Laudato Si’ that we wish to privilege.
The two groups lived the Triennial Verification with the methodology of conversations in the Spirit, expertly accompanied by Sister Daniela Cannavina, Sister Cappuccina di Madre Rubatto (HCMR), General Secretary of CLAR, who gave the guidelines for this methodology, making the participants experience the strong presence of the Spirit, synodality, and co-responsibility. The verifica and updating of the Province Prlan were also carried out.
After thanking the laity for their committed participation and strong sense of belonging, on the fifth day the FMA shared some important themes for the life of the Province, concluding the provincial Assemblies with gratitude to God for the rich experience of synodality lived.