Rome (Italy). On 22 December 2024, at the Generalate of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, the Communities of Rome of Mary Mother of the Church Preprovince (MRC) expressed their Christmas wishes to Mother, Sister Chiara Cazzuola, and to the General Councilors.
The moment began with a prayer-meditation on the history of salvation: “Glory to God, peace be upon people of good will”, starting from the Word of God, from the Prologue of John (Jn 1: 1-3 a) and from Genesis (Gen 1: 31a), with Psalms and songs, prayers of praise to God, and the Magnificat.
All the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of the Preprovince Communities then moved on stage for the song ‘Glory’ (Let there be peace), thus presenting to Mother, the Councilors, and the FMA of Mary Help of Christians Community of the General House (RCG) present:
“We are daughters of the promise; our land has seen the Son of God, King of glory, King of peace. But even more, we encounter Him every day in the Eucharist and in our brothers and sisters. He is with us; the promise has been fulfilled! But… why does this earth, our world, and sometimes our hearts, not enjoy peace? If humanity, created to praise God, attributes to themselves and their works the glory due to God, they do not live in peace.
We hope to experience in this Christmas the realization of the angel’s announcement: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” (Lk 2:14). And this invitation to praise God is not only realized in this time of Christmas, but it extends into our lifestyle and thus brings peace, joy, and hope! The song we are about to sing contemplates Emmanuel, God with us, strong in love. Give Him glory and He will give us peace!”
Mother and the Councilors, on their part, reciprocated with the song “You will come Lord”, expression of the eagerly awaited Coming of the Lord: “Your joy will invade us and we will no longer be afraid.”
Mother Chiara, thanking the Sisters of the Preprovince for their presence, for the intense moment of prayer, and for the singing, said: “The words of the Word which we have heard in the letter to the Hebrews, ‘Behold, I come, becomes the dynamism proper to the Mother, who consents to life in her, so that the life of God may not only take shape but informs her step, the tone of her voice, the most genuine and strong emotions of her heart, whose qualities of beauty and truth are unmistakable and impossible to hide. (…) Mary teaches us how to live Christmas; to live with courage and audacity our way of being women and communities that generate life.”
“Christmas comes every year,” observed Mother, wondering how one arrives with heart to this important feast, and brought the example of two Sisters, one who has been a cook for more than 60 years in different communities who in a letter from the nursing home expressed her joy for her vocation and for belonging to the Institute. Another Sister, Animator of large Piedmontese Communities, always passionate and enthusiastic, who at the end of her life said serenely, “I await Mary”: “To say this at the end means that you really lived totally for the Lord.”
“True Christmas is really living with the Lord in anticipation of His coming,” concluded Mother Chiara. She then recalled the Sisters who live in difficult situations – Ukraine, Middle East, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Haiti, Sudan.. and other Nations where Christians are persecuted and where there are FMA communities. “In this Christmas, we also gift them with the comfort of our presence and our joy.”
The greetings ended with the traditional exchange of gifts and a moment of conviviality and joy together. Mother and the Councilors presented a gift to the Superior of the Preprovince, Sister Jessica Salvaña, to Mother General Emerita, Sister Yvonne Reungoat, and to the Animators of each Community of the Preprovince, representing everyone.
Photos: Flickr FMA