Rome (Italy). On 24 October 2020, we celebrate the 12th anniversary of the Election of the Mother General of the FMA Institute, Sister Yvonne Reungoat.
God’s surprises ask us to welcome the unprecedented of each day with trust and hope. We join Mother Yvonne in living this unusual time, in communion with one another and with the world, ready to respond with joy to the invitation: “Do whatever He tells you” (Jn 2:5). And it is this same invitation that the Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, in the Eucharistic Celebration of 24 October 2014, made to the Chapter members before the voting, recalling Mary at Cana, “Do whatever he tells you”.
Behold, Mother, the call still today to undertake the journey, listening attentively to the Teacher, to Jesus and to His Spirit with an open and docile heart to continue to “fill those jars with water”, with concern, with joy, with loving kindness, comfort, and compassion for the FMA, for the young, and for the Salesian Family in the World.
With Mary, welcoming this extraordinary time of generativity, you continue to give impetus and new life to the mission to which you were called on 24 October 2014.
Asked about the willingness to be the successor of Mother Mazzarello and to incarnate her motherhood to share a new season of prophecy in the FMA Institute at the service of the Church, you answered: “I accept! Thank you for the trust. The biblical expression that supports me is: ‘When I am weak, then I am strong’. I entrust myself entirely to Mary and I accept her invitation: ‘Do whatever He tells you’.”
And so, today, on the 12th anniversary of the Election, you repeat again: “Don Bosco assured us that the true Superior of the Institute is Mary Help of Christians. To her I entrust the mission of animating and governing the FMA Institute. I will try to be, like Mother Mazzarello, Her Vicar.”
To you Mother, the grateful greetings of all the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, of the Salesian Family, of the Educating Communities, and of young people in the world. Happy Anniversary!
El Gracias y felicitaciones de la Comunidad de Guaranda es hecho oración, por la vida, salud, la entrega incondicional que nos impulsa a seguir los pasos de D. B. y M. M. en la misión que la obediencia nos ha puesto, Madre Yvonne Dios Bendiga todo su sacrificio y María Auxiliadora le acompañe siempre.
Mother, thanks for your many years of faithful service! WE LOVE YOU!
Obrigada Madre pelos 12 anos de serviço e entrega ao bem das Irmãs da nossa querida congregação. Abraços e orações das Irmãs da Comunidade Maria Imaculada, de Rio das Ostras, Rio de Janeiro. Brasil.
Gracias Madre Yvonne por los 12 años de servicio al Instituto, por su generosidad, servicio, acogida, cercanía a los jóvenes, y magisterio del Instituto. Gracias, muchas Gracias!!!
Carissima Madre Yvonne, GRAZIE diciamo a Lei con cordiale riconoscenza e grande affetto! sorelle da Kaunas, Lituania.
Madre Yvonne, desde Costa Rica, la Casa de Salud Sor Annamaria Di Fant, en Curridabat y Hermanas de Casa Provincial, damos gracias a Dios por su persona, su servicio de animación, su alegría contagiosa, su fidelidad y donación. Gracias Madre, que el Señor y María Auxiliadora le continúen dando el don de la salud. Bendiciones.
Querida Madre Yvonne.
Con mi oración expreso mi gratitud a Dios por el regalo que nos ha dado en su persona, vocación y toda la entrega en la animación del carisma en el Instituto.
Gracias por animarnos y acompañarnos cada mes con la circular que nos envía.
Que Maria Auxiliadora interceda por sus intenciones.
Madre Yvonne un fuerte abrazo desde Panamá. ?
Congratulations Mother Yvonne on the anniversary of your election. We are truly blessed to have you as the Leader of our Congregation! Thank you so much for your dedication and service to our congregation! May God bless you with good health, joy, and peace always.
Much love and prayers,
Querida Madre, em comunhão de sentimentos nos unimos a todo o Instituto das FMA para louvar e render graças a Deus pelo Dom de sua vida, que se desvela em entrega, serviço, testemunho de fé e de Amor! Nosso grande abraço e preces sempre. Parabéns! Deus e Maria sempre a abençoem! Com carinho, Ir. Helena Dalmonico e comunidade de Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Grazie madre Yvonne per la tua donazione e per la tua presenza sempre vicina ad ognuna FMA.