Rome (Italy). On 21 August 2023, the Salesian Family celebrates the birthday of the Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, animator and Center of Unity.
The greetings of the Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sr. Chiara Cazzuola, with the General Councilors and all the FMA of the world:
“Today we joyfully remember the birthday of the Rector Major, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime.
We thank the Lord for the gift of his life and of his Salesian vocation, lived totally in fidelity to the Charism and with the apostolic passion of the da mihi animas cetera tolle.
We want to remember his family in a special way, especially his parents who are already in Heaven and, together with all the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in the world, let us pray intensely today for him, for his current mission in the Congregation and in the Salesian Family.
Above all, let us pray for the new call that Pope Francis has addressed to him to be a Cardinal, his collaborator and adviser, and to share the synodal journey of the Church, expressing the pastoral charity characteristic of Don Bosco’s heart.
We entrust the life and mission of Fr. Ángel to Mary Help of Christians, so that she may continue to be Mother, Help, and Guide today and in the future!”.
Dear Fr. Angel,
Hope you had a most wonderful birthday today. May God shower upon you His choicest blessings as you seek to do His Will and bring His Love to all whom you meet on life’s journey.
Be assured of my prayers for you!
Sr. Beatrice Valot (Sr. Bea) – whom you met in Surrey, BC, Canada in Sept. 2018
Bonne fête Don Angèl, que votre sourire continue à être contagieux chez les jeunes qui vous côtoient. Je vous souhaite une santé robuste pour votre nouvelle mission en tant que Cardinal. Avec Marie Auxiliatrice continuez votre sacerdoce dans la joie et l’amour inconditionnel! Nadège D., CS et AEFMA d’Haïti vivant au Canada.
Buon compleanno! Viva la vita sempre ma soprattutto quando è donata alla salvezza dei giovani e alla Chiesa.
Auguri don Ángel! Prego per lei. Quando sará Cardinale spero si adoperi affinchè anche Don Bosco possa venire annoverato Dottore della Chiesa. Se lo merita e porterebbe nella Chiesa quella ventata di novità che da sempre gli è propria e gli appartiene.
Sr. Luigina Ariu