Rome (Italy). On 8 June 2024, at the end of the Conference “The long government of an Educational Institute (1881-1924)” on Mother Caterina Daghero, in Rome, in the Generalate of the FMA Institute, the Novices of the International Novitiates of Rome, Sister Teresa Valsé Pantellini and Mary Help of Christians of Castelgandolfo went on stage for a “musical surprise” and presented the song “I saw in you”.

The Novices tell how it was born:

“On the occasion of the Centenary of the death of Mother Caterina Daghero, we too, Novices of the International Novitiates of Rome and Castelgandolfo, had the pleasure of deepening her figure and savoring the courage, the foresight, and the trust in God, with which Mother Catherine led the first Daughters of Mary Help of Christians after the death of Mother Mazzarello, from 1881 to 1924, for 43 years.

We welcomed with joy the invitation of the Secretary General of the Institute, Sister Maria Luisa Nicastro, to write a song that spoke of Mother and so we read her biography, the diary written by Sister Felicina Fauda narrating the more than 400 trips made around the world, her circulars, and some of her letters.

During the traditional pilgrimage in the footsteps of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello in Turin and Mornese, in March, after a rich sharing, some of us collected the traits that most affected each one, and translated them into music.

One of the most beautiful things we experienced in deepening her life, was to meet a Daughter of Mary Help of Christians still alive today, who a century ago faced concrete challenges and kept the same desires that we too we feel in our hearts as we take our first steps in the Salesian consecrated life.

And it is precisely from this encounter with a real person, who has so much to say to our lives, that our song is born, entitled ‘I saw in you’.

We tried to reflect ourselves in a young Daughter of Mary Help of Christians who, knowing Mother Daghero, let herself be questioned by the courage of her yes and by the strength to offer her hands and her life to touch the wounds of her Sisters and humanity. It is as if we had found in her a sister who gave a face to a dream that now also belongs to us and to many Daughters of Mary Help of Christians who throughout the world, still today feel this desire strongly.

In thanking Marco Carli, young animator of the Salesian Oratory “Borgo ragazzi Don Bosco” in Rome, who realized the musical basis of the song, and the Sisters of the Communication Sector of the Institute who made themselves available for the use of the recording room of the Generalate, we hope that through our words the love of God can reach and touch the heart of every young person…  that same love we saw in her.”


  1. Wow, our dear Novices! I HAVE SEEN IN YOU beautiful voices and amazing presentation of the song! Awaiting the English version.

  2. Carissime Novizie mi ha fatto molto piacere ascoltare e vedere ciò che Madre Daghero vi ha suggerito. Vi assicuro che continuero’ a pregare per voi. Vi porto nel cuore e vi auguro di essere autentiche FMA.

  3. Grazie, grazie di cuore per questo bellissimo messaggio frutto dell´ascolto; aiuta a pregare ed a fare vita ciò che abbiamo visto in lei. Grazie, grazie

  4. Grazie, grazie mille di cuore!!! Bellissimo il messaggio. Toca veramente il cuore e invita a fare realtà quello visto in lei. Grazieeeee perchè avete ascoltato e trasmesso


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