Rome (Italy). On 14 March 2025, an online meeting organized by the Salesian Institutions of Higher Studies (ISS-FMA) of the French-speaking node took place. The meeting, in line with the formation plan carried out in collaboration with the Pontifical Faculty of Education Science «Auxilium» of Rome, had as its central theme the, “Global Educative Pact”, a key topic for the formation and growth of new generations and for networking.

The ISS-FMA participants at the meeting – more than 60 people from 6 Countries – were:

  • Institut Supérieur de Formation des Éducateurs Spécialisés (ISFES – Benin)
  • Institut Supérieur des Arts et Métiers Maria Ausiliatrice (ISAMM –DR of Congo)
  • École Normale d’Instituteurs de Jacmel (ENI – Haiti)
  • Centre Pédagogique des Salésiennes (CPS – Haiti)
  • École Normale d’Instituteurs – Anse-à-Pitres (Haiti)
  • Pontifical Faculty Education Science «Auxilium» (Rome, Italy)

Sister Martha Seide, Professor of the «Auxilium» Faculty and member of the Council of the Office International de l’Enseignement Catholique (OIEC), deepened the Global Educative Path of Pope Francis, from its launch in 2019, highlighting the ongoing commitment of the Dicastery for Culture and Education of the Roman Curia and the OIEC, committed to promoting and supporting this Pact at the global and local levels (glocal).

During the meeting, Sister Martha also presented the Series YM n. 20, edited by the FMA Youth Ministry Sector, which explores in depth the Educative Pact and the work that the Institute is carrying out in this direction.

A significant aspect that emerged from General Chapter XXIV is the importance of adopting the Global Educative Pact according to an integral ecology vision, as the basis for a new humanism that unites people in a global and educative network in solidarity:

“We are convinced that taking on the Global Educative Pact in the perspective of integral ecology is today a possibility for a new humanism. It is a matter of networking, in a broad educative alliance, to mature a universal solidarity.”

One of the guidelines for action for the Third Priority Choice is, in fact, to accept the Global Educative Pact in the style of the Preventive System, networked with the Salesian Family, national and international educative Institutions and agencies that are intercultural, inter-religious, inter-congregational.

The online meeting was also attended by Sister Ivone Goulart Lopes, collaborator of the Youth Ministry Sector and referent for ISS-FMA, who reminded the Institutions of the IV World Meeting of ISS-FMA to be held in March 2026, for which the Institutions have received the Letter of Convocation from the General Councilor for Youth Ministry, Sister Runita Borja. Sister Ivone also stressed the good participation in the contest for the anthem and logo organized by the ISS-FMA Central Commission, thanking the ISAMM of the Democratic Republic of Congo for the winning anthem, which was listened to.

The Educative Pact is a dynamism that generates hope. This is the certainty shared during the meeting. “We have the courage to generate hope!” was one of the key messages that resonated. It was reiterated that the best way to do this is to work as a team, joining forces with people and Institutions that together can contribute to building a more just, human, and bright world.

“Let us seek together to find solutions, start transformation processes without fear, and look to the future with hope. I invite each one to be a protagonist of this alliance, taking on a personal and community commitment to cultivate together the dream of a humanism of solidarity, responding to human expectations and God’s plan. (Pope Francis, 12 September 2019)


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