Rome (Italy). The Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sister Yvonne Reungoat, sends a video message to all the Educating Communities and the Salesian Family, wishing an Easter of Joy and Resurrection.
I always rejoice in these events that allow me to ‘meet’ you, dear sisters, and also many young people and lay people of our educating communities and beyond, through the social network channels. It is an opportunity to feel in communion, despite the distances. […].
Jesus is risen and lives forever!
I would like to begin my wishes with the joyful proclamation with which Pope Francis opens the Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit, addressing to everyone and not just young people, “Christ lives. He is our hope and the most beautiful youth in this world. Everything He touches becomes young, becomes new, is filled with life. Therefore, the first words I want to address to each young Christian are, He lives and wants you alive! He is in you, He is with you and He never goes away. As far as you can go away, next to you there is the Risen One, who calls you and waits for you to start over. When you feel old from sadness, grudges, fears, doubts or failures, He will be there to give you strength and hope ”(Christus vivit 1 and 2).
My wish to each of you, to your families, to the educating communities is contained in this gaze of hope and in the missionary mandate. Sharing in the Passion and Death of Jesus leads us from this earth, to sharing in His Resurrection. It makes us disciples and apostles; the experience of life that is born from the Cross cannot be kept for ourselves. It is a gift to be shared as widely as possible! […].
God keeps telling us, “Behold, I make all things new” (Rev 21:5)!
Hope is faith that projects itself into the future, it is charity that embraces all the suffering of the world to annihilate it, immersing it in the Resurrection of Jesus.
I sincerely thank the many who in recent days have made themselves present with greetings through the social media, e-mail, traditional mail, by other means. Your wishes have brought me the perfume of fraternity, of an embrace that gathers us all under the mantle of the Help of Christians and makes us witnesses of hope and joy.
Holy and joyful Easter!
Rome, April 2, 2021
Sr. Yvonne Reungoat
Superior General FMA Institute
Gracias madre Ivon por su sencillez y sentido de alegria
Gratidão querida Madre Yvonne. Sua mensagem de Páscoa ressoa no coração das Filhas. Linda passagem das palavras de Papa Francisco em Christus vivit… “Ele vive e te quer vivo! Ele está em ti, Ele está contigo e nunca mais vai embora.” Para quem trabalha diretamente com crianças, adolescentes e jovens, esta passagem é fonte de esperança e de vida renovada para este tempo em que a humanidade está sendo sacudida fortemente pelo novo Coronavirús.
Madre, conte sempre com a oração das tuas Filhas.
Deus e Maria Auxiliadora a proteja e a ilumine sempre. Afetuosamente…
Grazie cara Madre. Che la luce del Risorto continui ad illuminare il suo cuore e la sua missione.