Częstochowa (Poland). The first formation meeting for the Temporary Professed and the young FMA took place on 18 – 20 September 2020 in Częstochowa in Poland. There were 19 FMA participating from the Province of Mary Help of Christians (PLA) and Our Lady of Jasna Góra (PLJ).

The Provincial, Sr. Małgorzata Pilarska (PLJ) animated the meeting by encouraging the young FMA to commit themselves to configuration to Christ Jesus.

The theme The beauty of the heart in consecrated women was explored by the religious of the Queen of the Apostles Institute (Apostoline Sisters), Sr. Anna Maria Pudełko. The Sister retraced all the stages of women’s development towards maturity, starting with the question “how to be women who generate life“.

It was an experience of study and sharing on a theme that placed them in continuity with the journey of preparation for General Chapter XXIV.  It was a time for sharing experiences, for the joy of the encounter, for prayer before the Black Virgin of Częstochowa.




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