Myanmar. On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (1872-2022), the translation of Mother Mazzarello’s Letters in the Burmese language was published on 15 August 2022.
The translation of the Letters of Mother Mazzarello into Burmese had long been a dream of the Sisters. A group of FMA from the Province of Mary Our Help of Cambodia and Myanmar (CMY) engaged in the translation, dividing the Letters to facilitate the process. Then one of them collected the work and edited it.
On this significant Anniversary for the Institute, thanks to this publication, for the first time Mother Mazzarello writes to her daughters in Myanmar in their own language so that they can feel Mother closer, as the Superior General of the FMA Institute, Mother Chiara Cazzuola, emphasizes in the Presentation. “You have done a good job in which you offer the Sisters and many people the opportunity to bring Mother closer to each daughter and each daughter closer to Mother”.
Mother Chiara invites reading the Letters with a spirit of recollection and with an attitude of listening:
“I invite you to experience profound listening, a personal encounter in which you can let Mother speak to your heart and listen to her tender and strong, sweet and decisive voice. You will feel her maternal presence as she becomes an orientation and guide for each of you on the path of Salesian holiness”.
The Letters in the Burmese language constitute, for the FMA of this Province in particular, and of the whole Institute, an encouragement to look forward with hope, entrusting themselves to the intercession of the Co-Founder: “Let us entrust our life to St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello, our mission in the Church, and ask her to support us in fidelity and in the courage to look forward with trust and hope, so that the fruitfulness of the Institute may grow in every part of the world”.
Congratulations. What a wonderful gift for the sisters. United with you in prayer.
With affction