Bogotà (Colombia). On the occasion of the World Feast of Gratitude, the Superior General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Mother Chiara Cazzuola, arrived in Medellín on 11 April and after her Visits to Mary Help of Christians Province (CMA) and to St. Mary Mazzarello Province (CMM), on 19 April she was welcomed, together with Sara Sierra, Provincial of CMM, at the Airport Alfonso Bonilla di Aragona-Cali, by a group of FMA of the Council and by parents and pupils of  Mary Help of Christians School in Cali. She then went to Mary Help of Christians School where, with the FMA Community, she lived a moment of prayer in thanksgiving to God for His presence.

On 20 April, three communities from southern Colombia, two from Eje cafetero, the coffee region, and some families came to greet Mother Chiara. The Eucharist was presided over by Fr. Ricardo Villanueva, Salesian of Don Bosco, and concelebrated by Fr. Wilson Puerta and Fr. Victor Peralta, SDB. The Celebration began with these words full of gratitude, “Mother Chiara, you travel the world generating a culture of peace and you have come to us, in this house which is celebrating ninety years of educational presence in Cali.” At the sign of peace, Mother gave the banner of peace to each Animator.

This was followed by a time of celebration in the theatre: children, young people, and adults from every educating community of the “Chinca” gave proof of their artistic qualities by performing in their typical folklore tradition. Mother thanked everyone in Spanish, “Muchas gracias por todos, los quiero mucho.” Then she said, “It is necessary to let ourselves be transformed from within and live the value of peace.”

After meeting the FMA and the Provincial Council, inviting them to radiate joy from within and to live fully in the Lord as Mother Mazzarello did, together with the Provincial, Sr. Edith Franco and some Councilors, she then went to Bogotá. Upon arrival at the airport, they were welcomed by the Sisters of the two Provinces of Bogota CBC and CBN. A family from the “Ensueño” school sang a Colombian song for her. In the headquarters of the CBC Province, she was awaited with emotion by the FMA and by a group of young people, who played Colombian songs on the violin and the accordion.

Friday 21 April, the day began with the Eucharist presided over by Fr. John Jairo Gómez, SDB Provincial, concelebrated by Fr. Jaime Palacio, Director of the Carmelite Theologate. In his homily, the priest spoke of the miracle of sharing, which can happen in every community; when you give, you receive much more. In the afternoon, Mother Chiara visited the three schools under educational administration (CASE Project): “El Ensueño”, “Angela Restrepo” in the Simón Bolívar neighborhood of Bogotá, and “Ema Reyes” in the Kénnedy neighborhood, all with situations of vulnerability, with the motto “We educate with the heart”.

She was welcomed with joy by all, and in the last institution, even by clowns, acrobats, Colombian folklore, and two characters in costume: Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello. A tree was then planted in the courtyard with the help of Mother Chiara, Sr. Edith Franco, and representatives of the Educating Community, to commemorate her passage through Colombia and her commitment to Integral Ecology and the care of the common home. Mother thanked the Provincial, the FMA, and the teachers who carry forward with the government this typical project of the Salesian charism, seeking to respond to educational needs.

She then visited the Shrine of the Divine Child Jesus of Veinte de Julio, founded in 1942 by the Salesians who now, together with the FMA, work in pastoral care and catechesis. In the large hall, she was welcomed by the symphony orchestra that played for her, and with the welcoming words of the parish priest, Fr. Edgar Palacios, SDB, and of Sr. Nancy Venegas, FMA Animator.

On 22 April, together with Sr. Edith and some FMA, she went to Fusagasugá to visit the elderly sisters of St. Cecilia rest home. It was a pleasant family moment. Each of them had red heart-shaped balloons in their hands and they greeted the guests with a welcome song in Italian. Mother Chiara tenderly greeted each of her daughters saying to them, “You are the treasure of our Institute, the living patrimony, those who have sown, built, contributed so generously to the construction of the Province and the Institute.” The lay collaborators danced a Colombian dance for her. She then visited Villa Maria house of spirituality.

On the morning of Sunday 23, Mother Chiara met with the Provincial Council who presented the Province Report to her. In the afternoon, it was the turn of the animating nucleus of the Chinca: Sisters of the Provincial Council and Team, and lay people, from whom flowed the “Educational pastoral plan 2022-2027: Symphony that generates life”. Mother expressed her appreciation for the work they carried out in synodality, built with contributions from the different realities of Colombia. (Video)

L’incontro con le giovani FMA fino ai 10 anni di Professione delle quattro Ispettorie, si è tenuto il 24 aprile, ed è consistito in un momento di preghiera, nella presentazione di ciascuna e nella condivisione delle esperienze. La Madre ha invitato le giovani sorelle a interrogarsi sulle motivazioni profonde della sequela, a lasciarsi accompagnare nel cammino di configurazione a Cristo, attraverso il dialogo e la sincera apertura del cuore, e a costruire la vita fraterna con gesti quotidiani di vicinanza e gentilezza. Ha lasciato loro una domanda: “Siete allegre?”, ricordando il significato profondo dell’allegria per Madre Mazzarello. (Video)

Nel pomeriggio, Madre Chiara ha incontrato i membri dei vari gruppi della Famiglia Salesiana CBN e CBC: Salesiani di Don Bosco, Salesiani e Salesiani Cooperatori, Volontari di Don Bosco, Associazione di Maria Ausiliatrice, Exallieve/i FMA, Volontarie di Don Bosco, Figlie dei Sacri Cuori di Gesù e Maria, Dame Salesiane e Movimento Giovanile Salesiano, l’hanno salutata e ringraziata per la sua visita in Colombia, che riflette la presenza di Maria Ausiliatrice. Madre Chiara ha sottolineato: “Non siamo una famiglia da sacrestia, siamo una famiglia in movimento… Ci sono molti destinatari e ciò che ci accomuna è che ci rivolgiamo ai più poveri e questo è molto bello perché si tratta di incarnare il Vangelo… Non stanchiamoci mai di camminare insieme, il fatto di condividere la stessa spiritualità non toglie nulla agli uni e agli altri, anzi aumenta la bellezza, lo splendore e la specificità di ogni gruppo”.

Con la Celebrazione Eucaristica presso la Casa ispettoriale Suor Teresa Valsé, presieduta da don Luis Bernardo Mur, SDB, responsabile della Famiglia Salesiana in Colombia, e concelebrata dal Vescovo emerito Mons. Hector Gutiérrez Pabón e dal carmelitano don Jaime Palacio – l’Ispettrice e le FMA dell’Ispettoria CBC hanno ringraziato per la visita di Madre Chiara, la cui presenza ha aiutato a riconoscere l’amore di Dio nella loro vita e missione. Si è svolto poi un gesto con cui, attraverso l’Ave Maria, le sorelle di Chinca hanno benedetto la Madre e lei, a sua volta, ha dato la sua benedizione sull’Ispettoria. L’Ispettrice, con le Consigliere, le ha donato una “pianta grassa” dicendo: “Madre, ci incontreremo ogni giorno quando tu contemplerai la tua pianta grassa e noi contempleremo la nostra. Saprai e sentirai che in questo angolo di mondo le tue figlie ti accompagnano e noi siamo presenti nella tua missione, essendo donne consacrate: fedeli, felici e feconde”. La risposta della Madre: “Non è il tempo fisico ma l’intensità con cui abbiamo vissuto. Ognuna porta con sé la gioia di appartenere a un’unica famiglia, di andare avanti con speranza e coraggio. Vi raccomando di essere una comunità vocazionale. Una comunità sempre accogliente”.

Al termine della Celebrazione, Madre Chiara è stata accompagnata nella sede dell’Ispettoria Nostra Signora della Neve (CBN) in Bogotà.

Foto: Flickr FMA


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