Menongue (Angola). On 1 September 2024, during the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration, Msgr. Leopoldo Ndakalako, Bishop of the Diocese of Menongue, welcomed and officially presented to the parish the community the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of the new presence in Queen of Peace Preprovince (ANG).

The new FMA Community is born in response to the request of the Bishop, who expressed to the Superior General of the FMA Institute, Mother Chiara Cazzuola, the desire and need for the presence of Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in this diocese, among the Youth in urban areas and the missions. The Diocese of Menongue has few priests and religious. It therefore needs the presence of missionaries for the evangelization and human and Christian promotion of the young people of the place. The area is located in southern Angola, which suffered greatly during the war and is still poor and lacking basic services, especially formal and informal educative institutions.

After taking the necessary steps for the new presence, on 27 August, the Superior of the Preprovince, Sister Natália Miguel; the Provincial Treasurer, Sister Zvonka Mikec; and Sister Irene Arango, Animator of the new presence, left for Menongue to prepare for the opening. On the 29th, the other two Sisters of the community, Sister Jaqueline Pereira and Sister Julia Sussu Salimanda joined them.

In the homily of the solemn Eucharist on 1 September, Msgr. Ndakalako praised the Institute for having responded generously to its call for a Salesian presence in the Diocese because, he said, “it is the presence of a charism and spirituality that will enrich the Church. The Sisters responded to the call of the Lord for a mission and have wagered on a presence in the Diocese. They came to bring the Gospel to the poorest.” The people joyfully welcomed the Sisters, presented by Sister Natalia Miguel.

The Bishop has undertaken to offer the FMA a house and what is needed to start the mission. In the meantime, the Preprovince is committed to look for a place for the construction of the house and the work.

In the evening of the same day, Msgr. Ndakalako, accompanied by the parish priest, Father Jesus Elias Paixão; the Chancellor of the Diocese, Father Agostinho Yambi Jaime Fina; and Father Augusto Tchimvali, appointed chaplain of the Community, opened the doors of the house, handing the keys to Sister Natalia, who in turn handed them over to the Animator, Sister Irene Arango. He blessed the rooms and the people who will live there. Grateful for the Bishop’s closeness and affection, the Sisters expressed their joy at being in his home.

The mission calls. The Bishop entrusts to the FMA a diocesan Catholic school, where the Salesian spirit can give new life to many children and young people. “Bairo de la Paz” (peace district), is the name of the school, which awaits the Sisters to bring peace, harmony, and the joy of new life. The majority of the population has suffered greatly during the war in Angola and is trying to heal its wounds and rebuild their lives, a new life that the Lord comes to give to all those who hope in Him.

For this reason, the new Community is called “Our Lady of Hope”, to be signs of hope in a world thirsty for true Love. The FMA will therefore be engaged in the Primary School of 1st and 2nd grades and in the pastoral activities of the parish and diocese: catechesis, coordination of youth ministry, coordination of the Catholic schools of the diocese.


  1. Queridas Irmãs, coragem e fecundidade pastoral e carismática. Deus as abençoe nesta nova aventura do Espirito. Abraços

  2. Querida Irmã Irene, vi com alegria a noticia da fundação da nova presença Salesiana em Angola…Graças a Deus. Parabéns para a nova Diretora que recordo com amizade e saudade de Cascais Bom trabalho, Felicidades para toda a Comunidade. Já estão incluídas na minha oração. Felicidade neste ano da ESPERANÇA. Com carinho Irmã Fátima — Cascais


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