La Ceja (Colombia). From 3 to 5 March 2025, in La Ceja, at the International Novitiate of St. Joseph, in St. Mary Mazzarello Province (CMM), in an atmosphere of faith, joy, and hope, the Ordinary Assembly of the Inter-Provincial Conference of the Bolivarian Nations (CINAB) was held.

The objectives of the meeting were to share the path taken by each Province – including methodology, processes, and a summary of questions developed regarding the triennial evaluation – and to organize the CINAB triennial Verifica, which will be held in August 2025.

On 3 March, in the sector of the Assembly, the Provincials and Delegates of the eight Provinces that make up the Conference met with the aim of following the process of the International Novitiate of Saint Joseph, favoring the meeting with the Novices and the formation team, continuing to reflect on the formation needs and criteria which can lead to an integration of formation itineraries and study plans from the initial stages of formation, emphasizing the necessary experiences and prerequisites with which young women must arrive at the Novitiate.

Both the formation team and the Novices participated in the first part of the meeting, sharing their formative experiences and expectations. The work carried out in the groups, as well as the reflections in general, provided important elements for the elaboration of the initial stages of formation itineraries and finally for a common formation itinerary for CINAB, The task has been delegated to the Conference formation team.

The day of 4 March opened with the celebration of the Eucharist, presided by Father Luis Vivó, missionary priest of the Fraternidad Misionera Verbum Dei (FMVD), prepared and fervently animated by the Novices.

Afterwards, in the salon, Sister María Eugenia Ramos, Provincial of St. John Bosco Province and President of CINAB, welcomed the participants, reminding them of the objectives, the methodology, and the established timetable for the activities. She also handed over to all a scroll of José Gregorio Hernández, a Venezuelan doctor who is about to be canonized.

The day continued with the intervention of Father Luis Vivó, who began with a question: “What does the Spirit want from us?” He then shared a methodological approach that may be useful in addressing these assessment processes. This is a synodal, narrative, and appreciative approach. Father Vivó deepened the concept of appreciative approach, which is based on identifying and valuing what works well, strengthening the strong points and resources of individuals and organizations. This approach seeks to build on the positive, encouraging collaboration and development. It is a step forward from the clinical approach sometimes used in diagnosis, which focuses on identifying and treating problems based on detailed symptom analysis and finding solutions to correct or remedy what is wrong.

This is also necessary and, starting from a list of 9 dimensions that could embrace life, the participants experienced a workshop that allowed them to identify, with reciprocal contribution, those dimensions considered the most important, on which to work in CINAB. This enlightened them on the methodology of the triennial evaluation as a Conference.

They also shared the work carried out on the triennial evaluation, from the methodology to the processes and groups involved in each Province. In the first part, the Provinces CBN, PER, CBC, and BOL presented the path taken, and it was very gratifying to recognize all the good that has been sown in the communities.

In the afternoon, the Provinces CMM, ECU, CMA, and VEN presented their experiences and the journey over the last three years.

At the end of this significant moment, some positive feedback was received on everything that has been experienced in relation to the GCXXIV proposals and, at the same time, suggestions were made which could enrich the work carried out.

On the last day, the liturgy of Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, was celebrated with fervor.

Thanks to the support of working together and reflection, the CINAB Verifica, which will be held in August 2025, has been carefully planned. This organizational process is the result of the joint effort and commitment of all participants, who contributed their ideas and experiences.

At the end of the meeting, the experience was evaluated, highlighting the contents learned and the moments of reciprocal enrichment. Sincere mutual gratitude was expressed for the time of formation shared and for the details that strengthened the family spirit and common commitment.


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