Myanmar. On February 23, 2019, the 25th anniversary of the re-opening of FMA presence in Myanmar in Mary Our Help Province (CMY) was celebrated.
The celebration was attended by Msgr. Nicholas Mang Thang, Archbishop of Mandalay; Sister Phyllis Neves, Visiting Councilor; Sister Jessica Salvaña, Provincial; the Provincial Councilors, the Animators of Cambodia, the first missionaries who worked in Myanmar: Sr. Lina Chiandotto, Sr. Giovanna Penello, Sr. Gertrudes Ditching, Sr. Annie Thevarkuell; three FMA of Thailand, benefactors, the educating communities, past pupils, relatives of the sisters, and other Congregations present in Myanmar.
The feast began with the Inauguration Ceremony for the Exhibit with the history of FMA presence in Myanmar. The Eucharistic Celebration was presided by Msgr. Nicholas Mang Thang and concelebrated by the Provincial, Fr. Charles Saw Thin Han Lwin; Salesians and other priests of the Diocese.
In his homily, Msgr. Nicholas Mang Thang expressed his appreciation for the educational works the FMA implemented for young people in Myanmar.
At the conclusion of the Mass, Fr. Charles Saw shared the experience of Sr. Mary Myint at the start of the re-opening of FMA presence in Myanmar, and Sr. Jessica Salvaña thanked the participants.
The celebration continued with a theatrical presentation prepared by the educating communities portraying the arrival of the first Sisters and Salesians up to the present.
Sr. Jessica Salvaña presented the Jubilee plaque to local and religious authorities, benefactors, and friends who supported the FMA mission during the 25 years.
Sr. Phyllis Neves gave the greetings of the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Mother Yvonne Reungoat, expressing her joy for the FMA work and mission.
The feast concluded with a time spent together in the family spirit and in joy.