Montecatini Terme (Italy). Thursday, 22 February 2018, at the Council Chamber of Montecatini Terme (Italy), the Concluding Conference was held for the presentation of the Kahale-Lebanon Mission Project, entitled “Promoting the participation of women and youth in local development processes”, sponsored by the Municipality (in 2016) and supported by the Region, in which the Councilor Rucco participated for the administration.
Present at the Conference that was held to illustrate the results of the project were: President Vides Montecatini, Enrico Orsani; Monsignor Roberto Filippini, Bishop of Pescia; Marco Niccolai, Regional Councilor; Riccardo Franchi, Mayor of Uzzano; Antonio Ciuffreda, President of La Gometa; Marcello Magrini, President Cesvot-Pistoia.
The Mayors of the territory, the representatives of the Don Bosco schools, Frs. Milani, Lorenzini, Sismondi were invited. Dr. Enrica Orsani moderated the meeting.
In 2015, VIDES Montecatini presented itself to the ‘Call for simple Projects’ of the Tuscany Region – International Activities Sector (Regional Law 26/2009 “Discipline of European Activities and International Relevance”). Together with the National VIDES, they participated in the call to support the mission that the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians perform in Kahale-Lebanon for the social and cultural promotion of young boys and young girls who often still live in situations of “submission”.
The project has reached more than three hundred young people from 6 to 16 years of which 200 girls living in an area of the district of Aley, a true mosaic of cultures and religions: 20% Muslims, 50% Catholics, 10% Orthodox, 10% Druze, and 10% Protestant, coming from situations of vulnerability, from contexts of marginalization / discrimination, and cultural isolation.
Even the young people who attend VIDES and the “Don Bosco” oratory in Montecatini and Valdinievole – a highly multicultural and multi-religious reality – have been involved in intercultural activities and dialogue both in a playful style and in reflection and analysis programs. Another important collaboration was created with some local schools: the “Don Milani” School of Ponte Buggianese and the “Don Bosco” Lyceum of Montecatini.