Rome (Italy). On 20 December 2024 and 11 January 2025, the Youth Ministry Sector of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians organized the online biannual meetings for the Provincial Youth Ministry Coordinators of the NAC Interprovincial Conferences of North America and PCI of India.

The meetings had as objectives to retrace the animation of the Youth Ministry and to chart a path for a more fruitful mission for the following semester. In addition to the coordinators, other FMA and a lay collaborators involved in the animation of PG also participated, and in particular the Sisters responsible for vocation animation in the Provinces. In all, 6 NAC FMAs, 18 FMA and a lay collaborator from the PCI Conference attended.

It began with a moment of prayer that created a reflective atmosphere  and motivated the work. This was followed by the presentation of Sister Runita Borja, General Counculor for Youth Ministry, who guided the participants about the objectives of the meeting. Sister Runita stressed the central mission of the animation of the PG, highlighting its coherence with the Church and with the guidelines outlined in General Chapter XXIV. It also provided an overview of the roles and responsibilities of PG Coordinators, providing clearer guidance to effectively support the mission.

Since one of the objectives of the animation of Youth Ministry in the period 2022-2027 is to revitalize vocational animation, the participants engaged in a thorough reflection on Circular no. 1043 of Mother Chiara Cazzuola, where “the responsibility to be vocational communities” is stressed. The enriching sharing of reflections and insights that emerged strengthened in each one the conviction about responsibility in promoting a vocational culture.

The provincial coordinators present then presented a detailed report on activities and initiatives, in response to four aspects: Integral Ecology, Global Educative Pact, Catechesis, and Vocation Animation.

The meeting marked out a significant and fruitful direction in the mission for the participants, strengthening the shared commitment to promote vocations and make progress in  youth ministry more incisive.


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