Fatima (Portugal). The Provincial Chapter of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of the “Our Lady of Fatima” Province (POR) took place from 31 October to 3 November 2019 in Fatima. 33 Sisters from different communities were present.
The Provincial Chapter began with the greeting of the Provincial, Sr. Rosa Cândida Gomes, who conveyed the encouraging message of Mother Yvonne Reungoat, wishing all an interior renewal capable of transforming the participants into helpers of life.
The Visiting Councilor, Sr. Paola Battagliola, also assured her ever close and caring prayer.
Sr. Maria da Conceição Santos, moderator, gave the guidelines for the work. The Capitulars then went to the Chapel to ask for the light of the Spirit during a period of adoration. Sister Maria das Dores Rodrigues led the Lectio Divina.
On the first day, there was the Six-year Report on the Province by the Provincial, the Delegate of Youth Ministry, and the Provincial Bursar. At the end of the day, they all joined the people of God who prayed in the place of the apparitions of Our Lady, to entrust the Provincial Chapter to the Mother of God, asking for the courage “To do whatever he tells us”.
On the second day, there was a member of the Council of the Diocese of Lisbon, Mr. Cónego Francisco Tito, who presented a reflection on: “Consecrated life in Portugal in the heart of contemporaneity”. In the afternoon there was group work and individual reflection.
November 2nd was lived with 12 lay people, collaborators invited for reflection with the sisters. The Provincial thanked them for their contribution. In the groups all spoke plainly and understood the sense of responsibility with which everyone tried to see the best way to meet the needs that emerged from the reflection.
The urgent challenges of the different contexts, the paths to be followed, and how to help some realities to be more significant were highlighted. Work with the laity has been very enriching.
The testimony of an FMA participating in the Provincial Chapter:
“The Provincial Chapter was a time of experience, discussion, and profound communion granted by the Spirit. I am edified by the openness of my sisters to the action of God and the ability to let the voice of God be felt stronger than one’s own voice. I highlight the day of work with the young people and adults who helped us to rethink our lives and ways to respond to God’s appeals. I thank the Lord and the sisters for the opportunity to live this charismatic experience of faith and Communion.”
The last day of the Provincial Chapter was marked by the election of the Delegate to General Chapter XXIV and of the Substitute. Sr. Maria das Dores Rodrigues, Delegate, and Sr. Maria Alzira Saraiva Sousa, Substitute, were elected.