Ypacaraí (Paraguay). From 26 to 29 September 2024, at the House of the Salesian Family in Ypacarai, a formative Congress was held, attended by 130 Salesian Cooperators members of the Provincial Councils of Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

The theme, “Experts in accompaniment” was explored from a biblical point of view by Miguel Zervnja, World Councilor for the Southern Cone Region, who spoke about Moses and the Samaritan woman. The Salesian dimension was presented by Fr. Alejandro Gómez, SDB of Argentina, and Sister Marianela Sánchez, FMA of the Chilean Province St. Gabriel Archangel (CIL), with a workshop led by Margot Hourcade, Salesian Cooperator responsible for the formation of the Region, who offered some guidelines for rediscovering the accompaniment received and given by Don Bosco.

Sister Marciana Toledo, Provincial of St. Raphael Archangel Province (PAR), in her Good Night spoke about the triennial preparation of the Association towards the celebration of the 150th anniversary of its foundation, emphasizing the charismatic feature that Don Bosco wanted for his “lay people in the world and in the Church”.

Equally valuable was the contribution of Ms. Marlene Duarte, member of Canção Nova, one of the Salesian Family Groups, who presented “Accompaniment in the family” based on some documents from the Church’s magisterium.

Sr. Lucrecia Uribe, World delegate of the ASSCC, presented the theme, “Embracing the indispensable with love”, seeking to combine integral formation with accompaniment. This results in an ever-greater identity among the members of the lay association, “life teaches, if there is a heart that listens,” she said.

The prayer times of the days were well prepared. The Provincial of Paraguay, Fr. Néstor Ledesma, presided at the opening Eucharist. Edmundo Valenzuela, Salesian Bishop emeritus, presided at the closing Eucharist and, with his missionary zeal, invited those present to strengthen the ecclesial dimension of their pastoral service.

The last cultural evening had a great participation from every culture, with songs, poems, dances, and musical performances that animated the outdoor dinner.

Before returning to their Countries, they were asked to summarize in three lines the commitment that could give rise to a process of change in each Province of the Association, thus avoiding overlapping content and privileging the assimilation of ideas.


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