(Thailand). On 26 July 2021, the Provincial of St. Mary Mazzarello Province (THA), Sr. Nipha Rangabpit, and more than 20 Daughters of Mary Help of Christians participated in the annual online Seminar on the theme of the “Global Pact for Education“, organized by the Commission of the Catholic Schools of Thailand.
The Seminar, to which more than 1,000 participants from various Provinces of the country were connected online, opened with the greeting of Fr. Eakarat Hompratum, Head of the Education Department of the Diocese of Bangkok, and with a prayer animated by Msgr. Francis Xavier Kriengsak Kovithavanij, President of the Pontifical Council of Thailand.
Bishop Anthony Veeradet Chaiseri Tharae, Head of the Commission of Catholic Schools in Thailand, introduced the meeting and Fr. Decha Arphonrat, Secretary General of the Catholic Schools, read the minutes of the last meeting.
In their presentations, Prof. Chainarong Monthienwichienchai presented the Document Global Pact on Education and Prof. Sumittra Phongsatorn shared the activities carried out by the Jesuits and the Ursuline Sisters in line with the Message of Pope Francis.
The meeting recognized the need, also expressed by the Holy Father, for an educational commitment to “strengthen the foundations for a more humane, healthier, more equitable and happy society“, to help students become collaborators in building the Kingdom of God and to reorganize the educational mission by placing the values and dignity of the person and of creation at the center.
This will lead to the signing of the Pact on Education for the Future of Humanity as requested by Pope Francis. Formation is essential, in addition to knowledge and skills. Everyone must be interested in the problems of the social reality and act responsibly.
“Education is one of the most effective ways to humanize the world and history. Education is above all a question of love and responsibility that is transmitted over time from generation to generation”.
(Pope Francis)