San Antonio (Texas).  From 16 to 20 September 2024, after the Seminar NAC held from 11 to 15 September 2024 in San Antonio, Texas, Mother Chiara Cazzuola remained in Immaculate Mary Province (SUO) for a short visit to the Educating Communities of Texas and Bellflower, California.

On the morning of 16 September, Mother met with Sister Thuy Huong Mary Nguyen, Provincial, and the SUO Provincial Council. She thanked the Sisters for their loyalty to the Institute and for their prompt response to requests. She also reminded them of the importance of being true witnesses to the Constitutions and the real need to accompany the young FMA through a credible testimony.

She then met the Temporary Professed FMA of the Province, and listened with an attentive and maternal presence to the joys and challenges they face in their religious life. In a simple chapel ceremony, in the presence of all the FMA’s of Texas, Mother Chiara then gave the medal to three young women who have started the Period of Assessment and Guidance, inviting them to take seriously this time of formation, while they continue to discern whether this is the life to which God calls them. The ceremony was followed by a festive meal.

On the same day, Mother met all the FMA in the chapel for a conference and encouraged them to give life to vocational Communities, which require as a first step, to revive the fire of God’s love in each one.

After Evening Prayer, Mother and the Sisters were invited to the gym of the St. John Bosco School for a celebration with the Salesian Family. They were welcomed into a joyful environment, with Mexican mariachi music, lively decorations, and Mexican food.  The program also included prayer, a dance with flags and colored ribbons, and the re-enactment of Don Bosco’s Dream at 9 years of age. Mother received a donation for the needs of the institute.

In the Good Night, she thanked everyone for their presence and for being part of the Salesian Family. She highlighted that Don Bosco always valued the contribution of all, recognizing the importance of having many groups in the Salesian Family. During the evening, representatives of the Salesian Cooperators, ADMA, FMA Past Pupils, teachers, young people, and VIDES greeted Mother and offered her a sign of gratitude and esteem. The evening was filled with Salesian joy and a true family spirit.

On 17 September, Mother Chiara visited the various Educating Communities of San Antonio, where she was welcomed with joy by the students with songs, flowers, and cards. The student representatives were invited to ask questions on behalf of all, one of which was about her vocational path, from which a lovely sharing emerged.

On 18 September, Mother met the Sisters of the Provincial House Community who are over 65 years old.  She told them that they are a treasure for the Institute and part of its heritage, not only for the work done, but also for the many years of fidelity to their consecration.  Mother and Sister Phyllis Neves were then interviewed by Catholic Television of San Antonio. The television station is making a series about the life of the Sisters in the last year and wanted to include the film of the visit of Mother and interview her.

On 19 September, Madre Chiara and Sister Phyllis went to Los Angeles, California, and were enthusiastically welcomed by the Salesian Family. The Sisters of Mary Help of Christians with the Animator, Sister Phuong Nguyen, and other Sisters from neighboring communities joined them at the international airport in Los Angeles where Mother was welcomed by a VIP police patrol.

They then went to the Community of Bellflower, where FMA, SDB, and school representatives were waiting for them, with children from the local after-school care, and the Past Pupils of the drum band of St. Giovanni Bosco High School. Mother invited the Sisters to take to heart the mission of unity in the community and in the Province. She recalled the great gift of vitality and unity received at the foundation and preserved over the years by a long chain of Superiors.

Friday 20 September 2024, In a simple and family atmosphere, Mother Chiara joined the students of St. Dominic Savio School of Bellflower for Holy Mass and a moment that provided a presentation on the life of Mother Mazzarello, prepared by the Marian Club of the School. Mother then met the FMA for a time of family sharing.

In the evening, the Salesian Family present in the parish celebrated the presence of Mother and the admission to the Postulate of three young women. The celebration was presided by the Provincial of the Province of St. Andrew (SUO), Fr. Melchor Trinidad, SDB, with the presence of many priests and Salesian confreres. To the postulants, Fr. Melchor recommended keeping Christ at the center and remembering that they are part of an Institute which is all of Mary. During the joyful and fraternal evening, Mother was welcomed by representatives of the numerous Salesian family groups of the parish and by the families of the Sisters.

On 21 September, Mother Chiara left Los Angeles to continue her visit in the SEC Province of the United States and Canada. At the moment of departure, Mother addressed to the Sisters words of appreciation for the sense of belonging to the Institute that she found in Immaculate Mary Province.

Photos: Flickr FMA


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