Haledon (United States). From 21 to 26 September 2024, after the NAC Seminar and the short visit to Mary Immaculate Province (SUO), Mother Chiara Cazzuola visited Saint Joseph Province (SEC) in the United States and Canada.

On 21 September, together with Sister Phyllis Neves, she arrived at Newark airport, welcomed by the Provincial, Sister Clair Colleen, and was “escorted” by six police officers on motorcycles to the Provincial House in Haledon, New Jersey. The FMA of the Communities of St. Joseph of Haledon and Mary Help of Christians of North Haledon, young people and lay people, together with aspirants and novices, were waiting for her in a festive atmosphere, with a welcome banner prepared by them.

From the moment of her arrival, the familiarity and availability of Mother Chiara were manifested. Despite the long journey, she greeted with affection and a smile every Sister, young person, and adult who approached her.

On Sunday 22 September, Mother met the young people of the Province Salesian Youth Council, representing the FMA schools from all over the Province, including Ohio and Florida. Taking the opportunity to ask her some questions, they asked, “how she discerned her call to become a Salesian Sister and how can one face the stress and uncertainty of life with faith?”

Their emotion was visible on their faces as they listened carefully to Mother’s words and they took selfies and videos with her. Some students even said hello in Italian. Laura, a student at the Mary Help of Christians Academy, said, “Meeting Mother Chiara was unforgettable. At first, I was a little tense, but her warm welcome made me feel happy and comfortable. She showed us her sincere affection.”

During the day, she also met with the FMA of the two communities of Haledon and North Haledon and members of the Salesian Family, including the Provincial of Saint Philip Apostle Province (SUE), Fr. Dominic Tran.

The culmination of the weekend was the Holy Mass, animated by students of the schools, who sang in the choir and played musical instruments, followed by a grand dinner in the gym of Mary Help of Christians Academy, with the presence of benefactors, members of the Salesian Family, and families of the Sisters, who were able to approach Mother. During the meal, the girls of the School performed for Mother and her guests. The simplicity and humility of Mother Chiara helped to make the people present experience a true Salesian family spirit.

In the evening, Mother Chiara, together with the Provincial, Sister Colleen Clair, had a meeting with the six young women who shortly afterwards, during Evening prayer, received their medal from Mother, sign of the official beginning of the Period of Assessment and Guidance, the time of discernment towards the choice to enter the FMA Institute.

On 23 September, Mother spoke to the FMA of the Province, divided into three groups according to the number of years of Profession. In her discourses, she has tackled serious topics with depth, without losing the sense of humor that distinguishes her. The central message of Mother Chiara was focused on fidelity to the Salesian Charism and living in an authentic way. She also highlighted the increase in vocations in North America as a sign of the vitality of the Charism. The Bishop of the Diocese of Paterson, Msgr. Kevin J. Sweeney, then celebrated the Eucharist and joined the Sisters for lunch.

“Her visit was a gift from heaven. It was like having Mary Help of Christians in our midst. There was so much joy and our lay collaborators were moved when she embraced each one of them, offering blessings and prayers for their families,” said Sister Virginia Dickey.

On 24 September, Mother Chiara and Sister Phillys left for Canada where in Montreal, they reached the FMA of the Province at St. Dominic Savio Community, where a special evening was prepared for members of the Salesian Family, for the families and friends of the Sisters, so they could meet Mother. On 25 September, she also visited one of the sisters at a nursing home and then returned to New Jersey.

Before leaving the USA, on 26 September, at North Haledon, she met the students of Mary Help of Christians Academy and left each of them a medal, together with the memory of a special and joyful meeting with the tenth Successor of Mother Mazzarello, on her first time visiting the SEC Province.

Prima di lasciare gli Stati Uniti, il 26 settembre, a North Haledon ha incontrato le studentesse della Mary Help of Christians Academy e ha lasciato a ciascuna di loro una medaglietta, insieme al ricordo di un incontro speciale e gioioso con la decima Successora di Madre Mazzarello, per la prima volta in visita all’Ispettoria SEC.

Photos: Flickr FMA


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