Rome (Italy). Sr. Runita Galve Borja, is the Councilor for Youth Ministry of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.
Sr. Runita Galve Borja was born in 1966 in Manila, Philippines, and has been an FMA since May 23, 1992. She was an Animator in various formal and non-formal educational environments and Provincial Coordinator for Youth Ministry. She has a Masters in Theology and Youth Ministry. From 2004 to 2014, she was a Collaborator in the Youth Ministry Sector.
Sr. Runita G. Borja was born on 5 June 1966 in Manila, Philippines. She grew up in an environment permeated by the Salesian spirit, the FMA Youth Center and the Salesian Parish. She was an active Oratorian, animator of youth groups, catechist, and enthusiastically participated in the life of the parish. Both of her parents were Salesian Cooperators. She is the eldest, and has a sister and three brothers, two of whom are Salesian priests.
She graduated in accounting from the Pontifical and Royal Santo Tomas University in Manila. She was already working as a licensed accountant when she decided to enter the Institute in 1988. She made her first profession on 23 May 1992. She spent the first 9 years of religious life in the Philippine province as an assistant in the shelter for girls/ street youth, religion teacher, accountant, and Provincial Coordinator of Youth Ministry. She has a Masters in Theological Studies from the Jesuit school, Ateneo of Manila University.
In 2001, she was sent to the Generalate in Rome for her studies and completed her Masters in Youth Ministry at the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS). From 2004 to 2014, she actively collaborated in the Youth Ministry Sector of the FMA Institute, giving her contribution of reflection and animation in many provinces.
Immediately after her service in the Generalate, Mother Yvonne sent her as a missionary to the Cambodia-Myanmar Province, where she remained only for a few months before receiving another mission from the “God of surprises.” In the first week of February 2015, she was appointed by Mother, with the consent of her Council in accordance with art. 134 c of the Constitutions concerning the “replacement, until the next Chapter, of a General Councilor who is absent or is permanently prevented from attending her office,” as General Councilor for Youth Ministry.
Sr. Runita, who has always been ready to do God’s will, said her “Yes” to God’s plan expressed in the voice of the chapter assembly, abandoning herself totally to the wisdom and goodness of God, with her eyes fixed on Jesus, with full confidence in the presence of Mary.
In the XXIV General Chapter, on 7 October 2021, she was elected Councilor for Youth Ministry.
Sis. Runita – it is through God’s majestic grace and generosity that we will get to meet each other tonight in Colorado Springs. Sis. Linda was kind enough to have extended the invitation. What’s exciting is that we both graduated from UST and have the same major and undergrad studies. Looking forward to chatting with you.
God bless your works to Glorify the Lord! See you soon
Dan Regalado
Gracias Sor Runita por su generosidad y valentía para ir adelante aceptando la Voluntad de Dios en su vida, sea Él mismo su fortaleza y fuente de sabiduría para este canimar con los jóvenes. Cuente con mis oraciones por usted y su quehacer como consejera.
María seguro esta caminando con usted con nosotras. Saludos y un abrazo fraterno desde Ecuador.
Thank you Sr. Bing for your renewed Yes. You are always remembered in my prayers.
Thank you for you renewed Yes. You are always remembeed in my prayers.
Thanks for saying Yes to a beautiful mission entrusted to you. You are doing a great job for the Institute and the young with your animating passion. We are proud of you !
Be assured of our prayers in your mission.
Querida Sor Runita: Nos alegramos en los designios de Dios y a usted le damos gracias por su “Sí” renovado para el ámbito de la Pastoral Juvenil. La encomendamos a la intercesión de la Stma. Virgen Auxiliadora.
Hermanas de la Provincia Antillana
Hi Sr. Runita,
Sending you my warmest congratulations in your new appointment as Councilor for Youth Ministry.
Certainly with your passion and dedication, great things will be accomplished in the Institute’s mission with the young.
All the best and cheers.
Cara sr Riunita, godo della tua presenza nel consiglio per i 2 do sessenio nell’ambito della pastorale giovanile. Sono con te con la mia preghiera. sr Bernadeta polacca
grazie mille, sr. Bernadeta. Mi affido alla tua preghiera.
Sr.Runita, bene per la continuita’ della tua presenza nell’ambito della patorale Giovanile, da anni ti ho conosciuta nel cammino di tale animazione, il 2do sessennio sia per te un ulteriore dono nel nostro istituto, ai membri di ogni gruppo destinatario della Pastorale Giovanile FMA e a tuuti icoloro che saranno coinvolti in essa.