Cachoeira do Campo (Brazil). On 3 and 4 October 2024, at the Casa Retiro das Rosas in Cachoeira do Campo, Minas Gerais, the annual Strategic Management Assembly was held, which brought together those responsible for the Educative, Socio-educative, and Indigenous Missions of Mother Mazzarello Province (BMM), to reflect together on the present and future of Salesian education.

The theme, “Together for the present and future of Salesian education in BMM in the light of ESA V and the accompaniment of educative and socio-educative units” guided the reflections, characterized by in-depth sharing experiences and the inevitable Salesian joy. The event was a great opportunity to strengthen the bond between the Salesian presences in an atmosphere of dialogue, sharing, and synodality.

The first day of the Assembly, entitled “Listening to reality”, began with a moment of prayer, to prepare hearts and minds for listening. The opening talk, given by Fr. Sérgio Augusto Baldin Jr, Executive Director of the Salesian Network Brazil, offered an accurate reflection on “Contemporary horizons of Salesian Pedagogy in the light of ESA V”, highlighting the challenges and opportunities in the field of Salesian education in today’s world.

Following this line of thought, the scenario of the BMM Province was presented, providing a broad vision of the reality lived by the Salesian works. Sister Ana Maria Cordeiro, Provincial Coordinator for Youth Ministry, then highlighted the importance of pastoral leadership and Salesian identity in today’s context.

In the afternoon, there was a reflection on the challenges and perspectives of the Salesian leaders in the face of the youth situation. The exchange of ideas and the search for common solutions culminated in the Eucharistic celebration, presided by Fr. Sergio. The evening ended with a Goodnight by BMM Provincial, Sister Teresinha Ambrosim, who presented the program of celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the first FMA missionary expedition, which took place on 14 November 1877.

The second day, “Weaving future paths”, began with a Celebration of the Word, followed by the intervention of the BMM Education Consultant, Cristiano Prates, on the theme, “Relational trust: a key to transform schools and social works”. The presenter stressed the importance of trust in the relationship between educators and students as a basis for the transformation and growth of Institutions.

Cícero Albuquerque, Communication Coordinator of the Province, presented an innovative perspective on “Educommunication and territory in ongoing learning,” highlighting how communication can be a tool for transformation inside and outside schools, creating learning networks that have a positive impact on the lives of young people.

Anderson Leal, Educational Manager of Salesian Network Brazil, was also present at the Assembly, presenting a market scenario through the theme, “Paths of excellence: what makes our network unique”. Anderson shared various useful statistics in order to have a more strategic approach, built on real data, so that the decision-making process can be more efficient and assertive.

Maria Imaculada da Silva, FMA Contact for the ACSSA (Association of Salesian History Scholars) – section Brazil, then provided a historical overview of the Association and the last deliberations during the Assembly held in September, Reaffirming the commitment as a Congregation and Network to keep alive and present the memory and the history of the Salesians throughout the world, especially in Brazil.

The afternoon was dedicated to group work, led by Sister Amélia de Assis Castro and Cristiano Prates, who accompanied the Schools group, and Sister Dircione Amorim, Provincial Coordinator for Social Action, who led the Social Works group. These dynamics allowed the managers to think of concrete ways, adapted to the reality of each work, to build a promising future. The closing moment in the evening was marked by an atmosphere of hope and a desire for renewal.

During the days, in addition to the formation sessions, the participants had some breaks that allowed to strengthen the links between the different Salesian presences of the Province. The sharing of experiences and exchange of good practices further enriched the days, strengthening the sense of unity and belonging.

Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello continue to be present as guides in every step of this journey, inspiring and strengthening Salesian hearts. The Assembly was not only a space to reflect on the present, but also to build a future of hope and commitment for the integral education of young people.

Photos: Province BMM


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