Bahìa Blanca (Argentina). Sister Ngân Cao Maria of Bl. Laura Vicuña Community and Sister Natalia Vera of St. Joseph Community of Bahía Blanca in the Argentina Province of St. Francis Xavier (ABB), during the month of September 2020 made themselves available during this time of the Covid-19 Pandemic to assist the elderly sisters of Mother Mazzarello House in Bahía Blanca.
“To prevent contagion from Covid-19 we adopted the necessary protective devices and measures, living in an atmosphere of peace, tranquility, and optimism, lovingly caring for our older sisters” said Sister Ngân, a native of Vietnam and a missionary ad gentes in Argentina.
Sister Natalia Vera considers this time as “a gift from God”, in which to reflect and thank for “the gift of fraternity which is based on the care of life. We feel cared for by God, called to serve like Jesus, and for this reason it is important to stop to welcome and embrace wounded life”.
Sister Natalia feels she is living the experience of the Good Samaritan of the Gospel, of which Pope Francis speaks in the Encyclical ‘Fratelli Tutti’: “Let us take care of the fragility of every man, of every woman, of every child, and of every elderly person, with that ‘supportive and attentive attitude, the attitude of proximity of the good Samaritan” (FT 79). Sister Natalia underlines: “It is he who stops, worries, and makes sure that that life is preserved. I keep in my heart this experience that came from God, who does not pass beyond, who takes care of life”.
Sister Ngân tells that every day they were able to offer every FMA the possibility of attending Holy Mass online and listening to the meditation on the Word of God: “There they find the source that never runs dry. In these days I understood the profound meaning of existence, of being rather than ‘doing’. I met sisters who live humility, joyfully accepting the cross of bodily suffering and merging their life with the cross of Jesus Christ. It was an opportunity to express gratitude and sincere affection by sharing and listening to their words or their life experiences”.