Phnom Penh (Cambodia). On 5 August 2021, at the Provincial House of Phnom Penh, Province of Mary Our Help (CMY), the First Religious Profession took place in the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of a young woman from Singapore. The Provincial, Sr. Jessica Salvaña, Delegate of the Superior General of the FMA Institute, Mother Yvonne Reungoat, received the vows of the Newly Professed Sister.

The young woman met the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, who are not present with a permanent work in Singapore, while living a missionary experience with a group of lay volunteers A Call to Share (ACTS), that every year proposes a missionary initiative in Cambodia and Myanmar. She met the Salesian Sisters in Cambodia in 2012 and, in 2016, during her 7-month volunteer period in Teuk Thla, Phnom Penh, she felt God’s call to religious life.

The Newly Professed Sister received formation in Canlubang, in the Philippines, in the Novitiate of  St. Maria D. Mazzarello Province (FIL) where, together with the other novices, she was formed in the spirit of the Salesian family. Studying the Salesian charism and urged by the love of Christ (2 Cor 5:14), the young woman  matured the choice to give herself freely to God and to commit herself to living the evangelical counsels according to the Constitutions of the FMA Institute, proclaiming Christ to the young people.

The FMA and the whole Educating Community of Cambodia festively welcomed Sr. Charlene, entrusting her to Mary’s intercession, so that she may be a sign of God’s love for those she meets and a reason for hope and encouragement for young people to accept the call to follow Christ, in the year in which the Singapore Church celebrates 200 years of the Catholic faith.

Prima Professione Singapore


  1. Welcome to the Salesian-FMA family.
    Passion to serve young people and hopefully more and more young people in Singapore will be attracted by Sister’s example of life…..

  2. Que Maria Auxiliadora a abençoe e lhe dê muitas oportunidades de ser uma porta para a entrada de muitas jovens de sua terra para o Instituto,nestes próximos 150 anos iniciados no dia 05 deste mês. Um abraço, felicidades e preces.

  3. Magnificat!!!! Obrigada pelo seu SIM Sr. Charlene!!! Sua entrega a Deus no Instituto das Filhas de Maria Auxiliadora é motivo de muita GRATIDÃO a Deus e a você! Sinta -se muita acolhida por todas nós FMA e tenha sempre a certeza e a Alegria de que a Mãe Auxiliadora caminha com você! Preces! Felicitações! Ir. Maria de Nazaré,BMM

  4. Dear Sisters, I rejoice with you on this wonderful occassion of having the first sister from Singapore. May the example of Sr. Charlene attract many more young women.

  5. Congratulations, Sr. Charlene! May you a joyful and faithful missionary, bearer of God’s love to the young


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