Turin (Italy). From 16 to 19 January 2025, in Valdocco, Turin, will be held the 43rd edition of the Salesian Family Spirituality Days (GSFS), the traditional event that aims to revive the Salesian Spirituality in its fundamental dimensions, in a spirit of communion with the SF Groups.

The event will be attended by the Vicar General of the Salesians of Don Bosco, Fr. Stefano Martoglio, who will present Strenna 2025 entitled: “Anchored to hope, pilgrims with young people”, focusing on the celebration of the Jubilee and the 150th anniversary of the first missionary expedition of the Salesians of Don Bosco (1875 – 2025).

The spirituality of the pilgrimage will give the background rhythm to the Days, which are expecting about 300 representatives of the 32 Groups of the Salesian Family from all over the world, including some thirty Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, with the General Councilor for the Salesian Family, Sister Leslie Sandigo, and the Sector collaborators.

The program, in addition to the sessions of deepening the Strenna and the celebrations in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, there will also be the visit to the charismatic places of Valdocco, and a pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Turin, where the Holy Shroud and the remains of the young Pier Giorgio Frassati are kept. His canonization was announced by Pope Francis for the next Jubilee of the Youth, from 28 July to 3 August 2025. During the pilgrimage, they will also pass through significant places in the city in the history of the Salesians.

The Days will also be marked by different attitudes to ignite missionary passion and spread it among young people: welcome, communication and listening, prayer and adoration, availability and courage… In this spirit, a round table “Listening to the young” will be held with the young participants of the Youth Synod of the Salesian Youth Movement.

The missionary aspect will be enhanced by the testimony of Cardinal Cristóbal López, Archbishop of Rabat (Morocco) and workshops on the missions in some Countries dreamed of by Don Bosco, with several testimonies, also from Ecuador, on Blessed Maria Troncatti, close to Canonization.

In addition to in presence, several moments of the Days will be broadcast live on Salesian Family Youtube Channel, to give the opportunity to the various Salesian realities of the world to make evident the charismatic communion.

The Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, together with the Salesians of Don Bosco, are pleased to offer this formative moment to strengthen the bond that unites the members of the Salesian Family in “missionary communion”. The different groups are called to live the gift of communion that comes from God, carrying out the common and yet differentiated evangelical service, according to specific recipients, particular objectives, and different styles.

To ensure unity of spirit and convergence on the mission, these moments of formation in common are therefore necessary, especially when it comes to highlight or deepen essential aspects of the charism or share a common design. All this always in respect of legitimate autonomy, but also in the family spirit that expresses and strengthens unity.

The FMA Institute Salesian Family Sector offers its collaboration in organizing this event, together with the Secretariat of the Salesian Family, making operational what is indicated by the Identity Card (art. 39): “to think together, pray together, plan together, serve to ensure the unity of the spirit and convergence in mission.”


  1. Grazie di Cuore per tenerci sempre aggiornati e permetterci di poter essere presenti se non fisicamente in modi diversi…ma l’importante poterci essere e sentire il calore di questa meravigliosa Famiglia Salesiana!
    Don Bosco e Maria Ausiliatrice, ci siano accanto.🙏
    Bruna Salesiana Cooperatrice Liguria.


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